
A geoIP service based on Flask and Maxmind's GeoLite2-City DB

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Flask GeoLite2 City service


Using Flask only (development)

$ python3 app.py

Using UWSGI (example)

$ uwsgi --master --http --module app:app --processes 4

Using the Docker image

$ docker pull supermasita/geoip-flask
$ docker run -d --env GEOIP_APP_ENDPOINT=http://example.com:8888 -p 8888:8888  -t supermasita/geoip-flask

Note that the Docker image runs uWSGI in the following way:

$ /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --master --http --chdir /opt/geoip-flask/ --module app:app --processes 4 --stats --stats-http

Running behind a proxy

The app will look for the header X-Real-IP, and if its present, it will be used instead of the remote address in the request. The header can be customized using the GEOIP_APP_PROXY_IP_HEADER OS variable.


Configuration via OS variables

The following OS variables can be set to override config.py:

  • GEOIP_DB_LOCATION ("GeoLite2-City/GeoLite2-City.mmdb")
  • GEOIP_APP_PORT ("8888")
  • GEOIP_APP_ENDPOINT ("http://geoip.supermasita.com:8888")
  • GEOIP_APP_TITLE ("A service for MaxMind's GeoIP DB using Flask")

If you are running a Docker image, you can use docker run -e GEOIP_APP_ENDPOINT=http://example.com ....

Getting updated Maxmind DB

Due to changes in how Maxmind allows to download updated versions of their DBs, ATM there is no built in process to periodically update it. To do so you can either directly download the GeoIP DB and build (see Dockerfile) or use the updated Docker image from Dockerhub.


  • We use GeoLite2 data created by Maxmind