# Designers and Frontend Developers using Figma and design tokens Anders Hornstrup, Senior Frontend Developer, Novicell CPH ## Presentation Just some markdownfiles of my presentation ## Figma The Figma file for testing out and exporting variabels/design tokens from figma > json > html is included figma-file/design-tokens-poc.fig and can be imported into figma Here's also a link to a version of our larger Figma components file that shows the setup of some of our standard components https://www.figma.com/design/GY1nemSGeNZwA0WHCsXHDg/Defining-standard-components-in-Figma?node-id=2119-3080&t=WC2VNcs56L1jeqZj-1 ## HTML example There's a README for how to use this in the html-example folder
Proof of concept of using local variables from Figma in a frontend project