
A collection of awesome software related to playing music

Awesome Music Playback Awesome

A collection of awesome software related to playing and organizing music.

🚧 under construction 🚧

Table of Contents


Tagging Tools

Tagging Libraries

  • TagLib – Audio Meta-Data Library (C++, with many language bindings)
  • mutagen – Python multimedia tagging library
  • TagLib# – .NET platform-independent tagging library (unrelated to TagLib above) (C#)


GUI Players

  • Amarok – feature-rich cross-platform music player (C++/Qt5)
  • Quod Libet – GTK+ based audio player wrtiten in Python

Playback Servers

  • MPD – the music player daemon (C++)
  • Mopidy – an extensible music server written in Python
  • Platune – a cross-platform client-server music player with a gRPC interface (Rust)

Streaming Servers

  • Ampache – a web based audio/video streaming application and file manager