
Program your AI to destroy other bots.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Program your AI to destroy other bots and take over the world.

This project is split into two separate core parts: client and server.

The server runs online and handles incoming messages from one or many clients. The server is the board you play on, the referee, and the score keeper.

The clients manage games, make moves, and contain the AI code that makes the decisions. The clients are the players.


Google App Engine (GAE)

The server is written using Google App Engine. Which means the server is written in Python 2.7.x!

GAE Documentation: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/


  1. Install Google App Engine SDK
  2. Run development server in root folder: $ dev_appserver.py .
  3. See dev output at http://localhost:8080/
  4. You can view the dev GAE dashboard at


  1. To deploy into production: $ appcfg.py -A mech-ai update app.yaml
  2. See output at http://mech-ai.appspot.com/


The client is also written in Python 2.7.x, but this could change.


  1. Run the client: $ python client.py


All messages to the server (except to register a new username) must be accompanied by authentication headers, so you need to provide your username and access token:

  • Use command line args: $ python client.py -u mitch -t 4hfg83bg
  • Use ENV vars: $ USER=mitch TOKEN=a6javvi8 python client.py
  • Set username and access_token variables in local_config.py

Precedence: Arguments > local_config.py > Environment variables

After registering a new username you'll be given the option of loading those settings for the session.


Use an ENV environment variable to specify whether you want to connect to dev, i.e. localhost, or prod (production) environments. Default is dev!

$ ENV=prod python client.py -u mitch -t 4hfg83bg