
AutoChrome for Python

Primary LanguagePython


AutoChrome for Python

  • Launcher

    • AutoChrome launch()
  • AutoChrome

    • bool wait_condition(condition, timeout)
    • bool wait_conditions([condition_1, condition_2], timeout)
    • {} wait_event(event, timeout)
    • {} wait_lifecycle_event(event, timeout)
    • close
  • AutoDom

    • int get_document_id
    • int query_selector(selector)
    • [int] query_selector_all(selector)
    • str get_outer_html(selector)
    • [[number]] get_content_quads(selector)
    • set_attribute_value(selector, name, value)
    • set_outer_html(selector, outer_html)
  • AutoInput

    • sendKeys(text)
    • click(selector)
    • click(x, y)
    • drag(slider_button_selector, slider_box_selector)
    • send_tab()
    • send_enter()
    • send_backspace()
    • send_esc()
    • send_left_arrow()
    • send_right_arrow()
    • send_up_arrow()
    • send_down_arrow()
    • send_key_code(code)
  • AutoNavigate

    • {} navigate_until_dom_ready(url, timeout)
    • {} navigate_until_dialog_open(url, timeout)
    • {} navigate_until_first_meaning_full_paint(url, timeout)
    • {} navigate_until_lifecycle_event(url, lifecycle_event, timeout)
    • {} navigate_until(url, event, timeout, ref)
    • str navigate_until_network_finished(url, match_url, timeout)
    • {} navigate_until_database_added(url, timeout)
  • AutoNetwork

    • clear_browser_cache()
    • clear_browser_cookies()
    • delete_cookies(name, url)
    • delete_cookies(name, domain, path)
    • [cookie] get_all_cookies()
    • [cookie] get_cookies([url])
    • {} get_response_body(request_id)
    • set_blocked_urls([url])
    • set_cache_disabled(cache_disabled)
    • bool set_cookie(name, value, url)
    • set_cookies([cookie_param])
    • set_extra_http_headers((name, value))
    • set_user_agent_override(user_agent)
    • set_ignore_certificate_errors(ignore)
  • AutoPage

    • identifier add_script_to_evaluate_on_new_document(java_script)
    • str capture_screen_shot(viewport)
    • str capture_screen_shot()
    • str capture_full_screen_shot()
    • str capture_snapshot()
    • {'content':'', 'base64Encoded':False} get_content(url)
    • handle_java_script_dialog(accept, prompt_text)
    • {frameId, loaderId, errorText} navigate(url, referrer, transition_type, frame_id)
    • back()
    • forward()
    • reload(ignore_cache, script_to_evaluate_on_load)
    • stop_loading()
    • set_content(html)
    • set_download_behavior(down_load_behavior_type, download_path)
    • str get_frame_id(url)
  • AutoRuntime

    • bool eval_until_dialog_or_check_ok(expression, expect_true_exp, timeout)
    • bool eval_until_check_finished(expression, expect_true_exp, expect_false_exp, timeout)
    • {} eval_until_data_received(expression, match_url, timeout)
    • bool eval_until(expression, condition, timeout)
    • bool eval_until(expression, [condition], timeout)
    • {} eval_until(expression, event, timeout, ref)
    • {} eval(expression)
    • {} evaluate(expression)
  • AutoWindow

    • bounds get_window_bounds()
    • set_window_bounds(bounds)
    • set_window_bounds(left, top, width, height)
    • set_window_state(window_state)
      window_state: The state of the browser window.
      • normal (default)
      • minimized
      • maximized
      • fullscreen