
A simple script to get publications of given authors from Microsoft Academic Search

Primary LanguagePython

#Publication search This is a very simple single purpose script to query the Microsoft Academic Search Api for publications based on a list of given author names.

In order to use this:

  • Download this repository
  • Get an Api key from here
  • Edit access_key.edit by filling in your own key and change the filename to access_key
  • Create a text file containing a list of authors (one per line) you want to query. Take test.txt as a reference if needed.
  • Run the script with the path to your input file as a command line argument e.g. like this python query_authors.py test.txt
  • The script will save the raw results as a single json file for each author to the output/ directory

Note that this is everything but sophisticated and does not handle api errors.
If you run into API limits just stop the script and/or implement your own error handling. At least the console will tell you that there is something going wrong.