rke2 cluster on multipass instances

This script will create a configurable amount of instances using multipass, install rke2 server, and add additional server/agent instances to the cluster.


This is tested on MacOS and Ubuntu Linux 22.04.

Running it

Clone this repo, and run the script:

bash multipass-rke2.sh

This will (defaults):

  • Use generic as name for your cluster (configurable using NAME)
  • Create one master (configurable using MASTER_NODE_COUNT) with 2 CPU (MASTER_NODE_CPU), 20G disk (MASTER_DISK_SIZE) and 4G of memory (MASTER_MEMORY_SIZE) using Ubuntu jammy (IMAGE)
  • Create two agents (configurable using AGENT_NODE_COUNT) with 2 CPU (AGENT_NODE_CPU), 40G disk (AGENT_DISK_SIZE) and 8G of memory (AGENT_MEMORY_SIZE) using Ubuntu jammy (IMAGE)
  • Additional certificate names (tls-san) is set to rancher.test (configurable using TLSSAN)
  • Store kubeconfig in ${HOME}/.kube/config-${NAME} (configurable using LOCALKUBECONFIG)

Quickstart Ubuntu 22.04 droplet

sudo snap install multipass jq
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/superseb/multipass-rke2/master/multipass-rke2.sh
bash multipass-rke2.sh
curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/kubectl "https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubectl --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config-* get nodes

Clean up

You can clean up the instances by running remove_rke2.sh, this only works for the default cluster NAME (generic).