
Train all aligners

Get started

MetroEM is based on modelhouse, artificery, and scalenet packages. It's useful to understand these packages before proceeding.

Create a model

Create a directory, with subdirectories for each module. It's easiest to adapt an existing model. For example, use modelhouse to download the following model:

modelhouse load gs://corgie/models/pyramid_m4m6m9

Module conventions

Module subdirectories must follow the name convention


such that:

  • STAGE (int): processing order of module (lowest-to-highest, 0-indexed)
  • IN_MIP (int): mip level of the images to be used as input
  • SUFFIX (str): string for description only

Each module subdirectory must follow modelhouse directory conventions.

Create a training set

Training sets consists of an image dataset as well as a field dataset.

An image dataset is a set of image pairs (source and target images), one set of image pairs for the MIP level required as input for each module.

A field dataset is a displacement field computed by a previous module, one field for each image in an image set.

Create an image dataset

Image datasets may be created from CloudVolumes. For models with multiple modules, the image set of each module must be aligned in physical space across the span of MIP levels.

To create a dataset from a CloudVolume, use For example,

python \
--dst_folder  ~/data \
--z_start 8175 \
--z_end 8180 \
--x_offset 200960 \
--y_offset 136448 \
--mip 3 5 \
--patch_size 1536 1536 \
--cv_path <CloudVolume path>

Create a field dataset

Field datasets will be automatically created during the training procedure.

Downloading from an existing field CloudVolume

There may be times when a user would like to create a field dataset from an existing field CloudVolume. To do so, use For example:

python \
--dst_folder  ~/data/ \ 
--z_start 8175 \       
--z_end 8180 \	
--x_offset 200960 \
--y_offset 136448 \
--src_mip 8 \
--dst_mip 5 \
--patch_size 1536 \
--suffix precomputed \
--cv_path <CloudVolume path>

Once downloaded, a field dataset must be used as input when creating a new image dataset. For example:

python \
--dst_folder  ~/data \
--z_start 8175 \
--z_end 8180 \
--x_offset 200960 \
--y_offset 136448 \
--mip 5 \
--patch_size 1536 \
--cv_path <CloudVolume path> \
--field_dset ~/data/field_0_x200960_y136448_z8175_MIP5_precomputed.h5 \

Each downloaded field is adjusted by its average translation, and the bounding box of the associated image must also be adjusted by the translation.


With a model & dataset in place, it's time to train the model with For example:

python \
--pyramid_path ~/model/m4m6m8 \
--dataset_path ~/data \
--train_mode scratch \
--train_stages 1 \
--generate_field_stages 1 \
--checkpoint_name precomputed \