transform files and parameters into a multipart/form-data encoded stream
var MultipartStream = require('multipart-form-stream')
, request = require('request')
, stream
stream = new MultipartStream({
boundary: 'customMultipartBoundary' // optional
// add a normal field parameter
stream.addField('param1', 'value');
// add a file
// addFile(field, path, [filename - defaults to filename in path])
stream.addFile('file1', '/path/to/file.png', 'thefile.png');
// add a stream
// addStream(field, filename, mimeType, stream)
stream.addStream('stream1', 'thefilename.png', 'image/png', imagestream);
// do something useful with this stream
// let's pipe it to transloadit!
// make sure you set the Content-Type header
uri: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + stream.getBoundary()
// enjoy streaming