
Make my day

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Make my day.


As I am moving forward in my career and personal life, I find myself under pile of work. I have all tasks organized randomly in my mind, calender, notepad and sticky notes everywhere. My sole reminder of the task is when I miss those tasks. Moreoever, I am getting so engaged in work that, I have forgotton personal myself and become a machine without a proper scheduling tasks. I want to make my personal and professional life better. I have learned one thing from so many successful persons around me: self organization. I lack organization skills. I lack engagement and attention skills. One solution is to have a self descipline. I tried to be self desclipline my life so many times, but evenaully I gave up after few days or get engaged in something else.

I love to write code. One thing that keep me engaged and focused is writing code. So I decided to create this project to keep building tools to organize my day. This project does not meant to be completed. I will keep impproving this project to remind myself to use it to improve my day to day life. I am inspired by Agile methodology to organize projects at companies. Eventhough, I use agile in my company all the time, I havent descipline myself to adhere to its principals. It actually cost me career growth and work life balance. I want to use the same principals to organize my self and eventually my family such that we use those principals in our day to day life. However I would not call it Agile because it will remind me of work in my personal life. Just call it myday.


  • Write first few goals for the workday. Make it similar to Jira.