built from wentokens, with extra ERC721 multi sending functionality

Foundry project

Installing, Building, and Testing

First, install foundry and make sure you have the latest version.

To initialize the repo, run at the repo root:

forge install

To build the project, run:

forge build

To (build and) run tests, run:

forge test -vvv

To (build and) run tests and generate a gas report, run:

forge test --gas-report

Note: At least level 2 verbosity (-vv) is required to see console.log statements inside tests.


If your forge build command fails with an error related to build not being a valid subcommand, this may be due to you already having @arcblock/forge-cli from the Solana development environment here.

To fix this:

npm uninstall -g @arcblock/forge-cli
sudo rm -rf /opt/homebrew/bin/forge