
Improve And Optimize Your Kafka In Literally Minutes.

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Improve And Optimize Your Kafka In Literally Minutes.
Reduce Costs and Boost Performance by 75% Without Changing a Single Component or Your Existing Kafka!

Configure Environment Tokens

For easiness, create custom_values.yaml file and edit the following values:

# GLOBAL configuration for Superstream Engine
  engineName: ""                   # Define the superstream engine name within 32 characters, excluding '.', and using only lowercase letters, numbers, '-', and '_'.
  superstreamAccountId: ""         # Provide the account ID associated with the deployment, which could be used for identifying resources or configurations tied to a specific account.
  superstreamActivationToken: ""   # Enter the activation token required for services or resources that need an initial token for activation or authentication.
  skipLocalAuthentication: true

# NATS config
# NATS HA Deployment. Default "true"
      enabled: true
# NATS storageClass configuration. The default is blank "".
          storageClassName: ""

To deploy it, run the following:

helm repo add superstream https://k8s.superstream.ai/ --force-update && helm install superstream superstream/superstream -f custom_values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace superstream --wait


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the SuperStream chart and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
global.engineName Define the superstream engine name within 32 characters, excluding '.', and using only lowercase letters, numbers, '-', and '_'. ""
global.superstreamAccountId Provide the account ID associated with the deployment, which could be used for identifying resources or configurations tied to a specific account. ""
global.superstreamActivationToken Enter the activation token required for services or resources that need an initial token for activation or authentication. ""
global.skipLocalAuthentication Specifies whether to skip local authentication. true
global.image.pullPolicy Global image pull policy to use for all container images in the chart. Can be overridden by individual image pullPolicy. ""
global.image.pullSecretNames Global list of secret names to use as image pull secrets for all pod specs in the chart. Secrets must exist in the same namespace. []
global.image.registry Global registry to use for all container images in the chart. Can be overridden by individual image registry. ""
global.labels Global labels to use for all container images in the chart. ""
nats.config.cluster.enabled Indicates whether the NATS cluster is enabled. true
nats.config.jetstream.fileStore.pvc.storageClassName Specifies the storage class name for the Jetstream file store PVC. ""
superstreamEngine.releaseDate Release date for the backend component. "2024-02-22-13-03"
superstreamEngine.replicaCount Number of replicas for the backend deployment. 2
superstreamEngine.image.repository Docker image repository for the backend service. superstreamlabs/superstream-data-plane-be
superstreamEngine.image.pullPolicy Policy for pulling the image. Always
superstreamEngine.image.tag Overrides the image tag. "latest"
superstreamEngine.imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets. []
superstreamEngine.nameOverride Overrides for Helm's default naming conventions. ""
superstreamEngine.fullnameOverride Full name override for Helm's default naming conventions. ""
superstreamEngine.initContainers.image Image used for readiness checks or setup tasks before the main containers start. curlimages/curl:8.6.0
superstreamEngine.configMap.enable Enable ConfigMap settings. ""
superstreamEngine.configMap.useExisting Determines whether to use an existing ConfigMap instead of creating a new one. false
superstreamEngine.configMap.existingConfigMapName Name of the existing ConfigMap to use if useExisting is true. my-existing-configmap
superstreamEngine.configMap.name Name used when creating a new ConfigMap. ""
superstreamEngine.configMap.fileData.mountPath Path where the ConfigMap will be mounted in the pod. /etc/superstream-conf/
superstreamEngine.configMap.fileData.fileName Name of the file to be used from the ConfigMap. ""
superstreamEngine.configMap.fileData.fileContent Content of the file to be used from the ConfigMap. ""
superstreamEngine.secret.name Secret configuration for sensitive information. superstream-creds
superstreamEngine.secret.encryptionSecretKey Encryption secret key used for sensitive information. ""
superstreamEngine.secret.activationToken Activation token for services or resources. ""
superstreamEngine.secret.useExisting Specifies whether to use an existing secret. false
superstreamEngine.podAnnotations.prometheus.io/path Path for Prometheus to scrape metrics from the pod. "/monitoring/metrics"
superstreamEngine.podAnnotations.prometheus.io/scrape Specifies whether Prometheus should scrape metrics from the pod. 'true'
superstreamEngine.podAnnotations.prometheus.io/port Port for Prometheus to scrape metrics from the pod. "7777"
superstreamEngine.podSecurityContext Security context settings for the pod. {}
superstreamEngine.securityContext Security context for containers within the pod. {}
superstreamEngine.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created. true
superstreamEngine.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account. {}
superstreamEngine.serviceAccount.name The name of the service account to use. ""
superstreamEngine.service.enabled Enable service for the backend. true
superstreamEngine.service.type Type of service for the backend. ClusterIP
superstreamEngine.service.port Port for the backend service. 7777
superstreamEngine.ingress.enabled Enable ingress for the backend. false
superstreamEngine.ingress.className Class name for the ingress resource. ""
superstreamEngine.ingress.annotations Annotations to add to the ingress resource. {}
superstreamEngine.ingress.hosts Hosts for the ingress resource, including paths and path types. [{ host: "chart-example.local", paths: [{ path: "/", pathType: "ImplementationSpecific" }] }]
superstreamEngine.ingress.tls TLS settings for the ingress resource, including secret names and hosts. []
superstreamEngine.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the backend pod. 8
superstreamEngine.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the backend pod. 8Gi
superstreamEngine.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the backend pod. 500m
superstreamEngine.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the backend pod. 1Gi
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.enabled Enable autoscaling for the backend. true
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. 2
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. 5
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. 75
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Memory utilization percentage for autoscaling. 75
superstreamEngine.nodeSelector Node selectors to control the placement of pods. {}
superstreamEngine.tolerations Tolerations for pods to tolerate certain node conditions or taints. []
superstreamEngine.affinity Affinity rules for pod scheduling. {}
superstreamEngine.internalNatsConnection.host Host for the internal NATS connection. ""
superstreamEngine.internalNatsConnection.port Port for the internal NATS connection. 4222
superstreamEngine.controlPlane.host Host for the control plane connection. "broker.superstream.dev"
superstreamEngine.controlPlane.port Port for the control plane connection. 4222
superstreamEngine.syslog.enabled Determines whether the syslog is enabled for the superstream engine. true
superstreamEngine.syslog.remoteSyslog Remote syslog server to send logs to. "superstream-syslog"
superstreamEngine.releaseDate Release date for the backend component. "2024-03-20-11-12"
syslog.replicaCount Number of replicas for the syslog deployment. 1
syslog.image.repository Docker image repository for syslog. linuxserver/syslog-ng
syslog.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the syslog image. IfNotPresent
syslog.image.tag Tag for the syslog image. "4.5.0"
syslog.imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets. []
syslog.service.type Type of service for syslog. ClusterIP
syslog.service.port Port for the syslog service. 5514
syslog.service.protocol Protocol for the syslog service. UDP
syslog.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the syslog pod. "100m"
syslog.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the syslog pod. "256Mi"
syslog.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the syslog pod. "50m"
syslog.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the syslog pod. "128Mi"
syslog.podAnnotations.prometheus.io/scrape Specifies whether Prometheus should scrape metrics from the syslog pod. 'false'
syslog.remoteSyslog.destinationHost Destination host for the remote syslog. telegraf
syslog.remoteSyslog.port Port for the remote syslog. 6514
syslog.remoteSyslog.protocol Protocol (e.g., UDP) for the remote syslog. udp
syslog.configMap.enabled Enable ConfigMap for syslog. true
syslog.configMap.name Name of the ConfigMap for syslog. syslog-config
syslog.configMap.mountPath Mount path for the syslog ConfigMap. /config/syslog-ng.conf
syslog.configMap.subPath Specific file to mount from the ConfigMap. syslog-ng.conf
syslog.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for syslog. false
syslog.persistence.size Size of the persistent volume for syslog. "1Gi"
syslog.persistence.accessModes Access modes (e.g., ReadWriteOnce) for the syslog persistent volume. ["ReadWriteOnce"]
syslog.persistence.storageClassName Storage class name for the syslog persistent volume. "standard"