Pink Flower SVG Mask Effect

ezgif com-gif-maker (5)
This project was to practice using SVG's mask effect.

Goal of the project

  1. practice SVG's mask effect
  2. practice JavaScript 'Mousemove' event


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SVG


  1. SVG mask effect
<!-- mask glass -->
<mask id="mask-glass">
  <circle cx="60.56" cy="60.56" r="47.75" style="fill:white" />

<g mask="url(#mask-glass)">
  <rect class="bg-gray" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"></rect>
  <rect class="bg" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"></rect>
  1. mousemove event
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ()=>{
      const magnifierEl = document.querySelector('.magnifier');
      const maskglassEl = document.querySelector('#mask-glass circle')

         window.addEventListener('mousemove', (event)=>{
            const x1 = event.clientX;
            const y1 = event.clientY;

             const magnifierRect = magnifierEl.getBoundingClientRect()
             const magnifierRectWidth = magnifierRect.width
             const magnifierRectHeight = magnifierRect.height

             const maskglassRect = maskglassEl.getBoundingClientRect()
             const maskglassHalfWidth = maskglassRect.width/2
             const maskglassHalfHeight = maskglassRect.height/2

    = `translate(${x1 - magnifierRectWidth - maskglassHalfWidth - 0.5}px,${y1 - magnifierRectHeight - maskglassHalfHeight + 23}px)`
    = `translate(${x1 - maskglassHalfWidth}px, ${y1 - maskglassHalfHeight}px)`


The mask effect has given me a lot of creative ideas for the future. For example, I would like to make a mini-game 'find a four leaf clover' in the future. Also, I want to learn more about why '.magnifier' and '#mask-glass circle' are seperately moved instead of combined together? I'm curious because I had to transform each element according to their size in JavaScript.