A Progressive Web App RSS reader with offline features ! 📵
Clone the repository
$ git clone git@github.com:supertanuki/rsspwa.git
To run this application, you will need a webserver.
We suggest you to do it via Web Server for Chrome Extension. Install the application, run it from the Chrome apps panel, select the parent directory of the rsspwa project, check the Automatically show index.html
Then, go to the following page:
- Replace YUI by our own proxy for reading rss and avoid Same-Origin policy (via Google App Script?)
- Parse the requested site html to get the feed url
- Add a website and save it in browser storage (IndexedDb?)
- See the added websites list
- See the content of a post
To read RSS by JavaScript and avoid Same-Origin policy we use YUI, the Yahoo User Interface Library, an alternative to deprecated Google Feed API https://github.com/yui/yui3
Logo made with https://logomakr.com
Favicons made with http://realfavicongenerator.net