Install and configure Postgresql with Ansible. This role is tested only with Debian.
- Debian 10 (Buster)
- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)
A list of package to install.
- postgresql
- postgresql-contrib
- libpq-dev
Informations about PostgreSQL. Wich version to install, the daemon name and directories used.
postgresql_version: "11"
postgresql_daemon: postgresql@{{ postgresql_version }}-main
postgresql_data_dir: "/var/lib/postgresql/{{ postgresql_version }}/main"
postgresql_bin_path: "/usr/lib/postgresql/{{ postgresql_version }}/bin"
postgresql_config_path: "/etc/postgresql/{{ postgresql_version }}/main"
Use the provided dump script
postgresql_use_dump_script: true
postgresql_dump_path: "/var/local/dump_sql"
postgresql_dump_path_script: "/var/local/scripts"
Name of the psycopg2 librairie to install. Used during the users creation.
postgresql_python_library: python-psycopg2
Default Locale
- 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
Name of the user and group used by Postrgresql
postgresql_user: postgres
postgresql_group: postgres
Informations about the socket.
- option: unix_socket_directories
value: '{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories | join(",") }}'
- /var/run/postgresql
List of user to create. Only the name is mandatory.
# - name: testuser #required; the rest are optional
# password: # defaults to not set
# encrypted: # defaults to not set
# priv: # defaults to not set
# role_attr_flags: # defaults to not set
# db: # defaults to not set
# login_host: # defaults to 'localhost'
# login_password: # defaults to not set
# login_user: # defaults to '{{ postgresql_user }}'
# login_unix_socket: # defaults to 1st of postgresql_unix_socket_directories
# port: # defaults to not set
# state: # defaults to 'present'
List of database to create. Only the name is mandatory.
# - name: exampledb # required; the rest are optional
# lc_collate: # defaults to 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
# lc_ctype: # defaults to 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
# encoding: # defaults to 'UTF-8'
# template: # defaults to 'template0'
# login_host: # defaults to 'localhost'
# login_password: # defaults to not set
# login_user: # defaults to '{{ postgresql_user }}'
# login_unix_socket: # defaults to 1st of postgresql_unix_socket_directories
# port: # defaults to not set
# owner: # defaults to postgresql_user
# state: # defaults to 'present'
- name: Converge
hosts: all
- role: supertarto.postgresql
- name: example
- name: testuse
ansible-galaxy install supertarto.postgresql
GPL V3.0