
Using K-Means cluster with Jaro-Winkler string distance algorithm

Primary LanguageC++


This project is to cluser files based on names using K-means and Jaro-Winkler algorithms. The program has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04


  1. CMake - See the reference
  2. C++11 dev tools
    $ sudo apt install build-essential  
  1. Boost
    $ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev  

Build and execute

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make 

    // Run K-Means clustering with JaroWinkler distance algorithm
    $ ./filecluster -f ../data/filelist.txt -o ../result/K3_iter200_result.txt -k 3 -i 200

Modification in K-means algorithm

It is hard to find a mean value among characters. Therefore, the most frequenctly appeared character in each sequence of file names is used as mean values instead.


    // Resampling centeroids in line 5 in kmeans.hpp  
    const size_t RESAMPLING_ITER = 25;  

    // difference threshold to stop k-means process in line 8 in kmeans.hpp 
    const double DIFF_THRESHOLD = 0.01;


How to install CMake on Ubuntu 16.04
K-means cluster in Python, C++, etc
Random selection from a STL container
Jaro-Winkler algorithm