
A basic minecraft clone made with OpenGL, written in C++ on Mac OS

Primary LanguageC++

glCraft for Mac

To make this project avaialable on Mac OS, some codes have been modified. Please make sure that this changes is only tested on the following environment.

MAC system information

  • How to build it using CMake

    • Clone the repository
    % git clone --recursive https://github.com/supertigim/glCraftforMac.git
    • Build the project the build_type can be either Release or Debug
    % cd glCraftfoMac
    % mkdir build
    % cd build
    % cmake ..
    % make -j4
    • Run the game on Linux with an optional save to load:
    % ./glCraft
    # Ignore the error shown below 
    #  "Failed to open the file: default.glc"


(Original) glCraft

A minecraft clone made with OpenGL, written in C++

I am learning computer graphics, and the basics of game development. I think that the best way to learn something is to use it to create a minecraft clone, so I made this, which is also my first C++ project. Making this was a great journey, I learnt a lot. I created the game entirely from scratch except the libraries, compilers, the operating system and other software that I used to make this.


  • Building and destroying blocks Building and destroying blocks
  • Procedural world generation Procedural world generation
  • Semi-transparent blocks Semi-transparent blocks
  • The chunks are hollow on the inside The chunks are hollow on the inside

Building the project

  • How to build it in CLion

    • Clone the repository
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/Isti01/glCraft.git
    • Open it in CLion and press the green magic button.
  • How to build it using CMake

    • Clone the repository
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/Isti01/glCraft.git
    • Build the project the build_type can be either Release or Debug
    cd glCraft
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<build_type> ..
    cmake --build .
    • Run the game on Linux with an optional save to load:
    ./main <saved-world.glc>
    • Or on Windows with an optional save to load
    main.exe <saved-world.glc>


  • Rendering

    • The chunks are hollow on the inside, so most of the blocks that are not visible are not sent to the GPU.
    • Each vertex in a chunk is only 4 bytes long to make the game as memory-efficient as possible (on the GPU side).
    • The game has animated textures and an animated skybox.
    • The game supports semi-transparent textures, the chunk meshes are sorted before drawing.
  • Gameplay

    • The game has very basic, minecraft-like physics, with two movement modes:
      • One that is similar to spectator mode (the default).
      • One that is similar to the movement in survival.
    • The game has block placing, block picking and block breaking. - maybe the most essential feature
    • Implemented a basic UI to change the active block, load saves, and load custom textures for the world.
    • The world is generated procedurally using a seed, and loaded dynamically as the player moves across it.

Libraries that I used

  • FastNoiseLite - for terrain generation
  • GLAD - for loading OpenGL functions
  • glfw - for managing the window
  • glm - a great math library for working with OpenGL
  • imgui - for creating the amazing UI in the game
  • lodepng - for loading PNG textures