Chess Endgame Training: app to practice a variety of well organized set of chess endgames. From elementary to the most complex endgames, you can practice until you learn how to face all of them.
- ahmedAnB
- arimourao
- aspiers@ToucanProtocol
- bluesealjs
- burhanaltintop
- cristoperOrange Noise Production Company (@Orange-Noise)
- cslysyLufthansa Systems Poland
- ddugovic
- dit7yaShores of Inifinity
- dsjoergNew York, NY
- elmanorcIFPB
- eydun
- gbtamiHungary
- hauva69Helsinki, Finland
- IainStevensonFreelance
- ijhchess
- jalmaguerNew York City
- jeevansurendran@DevRev
- jmanuelbrCognifide
- johnpatrickmorganLondon
- khoramshahiParis, France
- loloof64Bayonne (France) in Pyrénées Atlantiques (64)
- luiz158Curitba/PR - Brasil
- m-tkachUkraine
- mgosal@5bricks
- mmcnlOakland, CA
- mx3030
- niklasfGermany
- ramasa
- shepardo
- takuki9
- tddschn@teddy-co
- uygary@KthulhuEnterprizes
- vincentsimardMontreal, Canada
- vitogit
- WalgermoSticos / Walgtech