
A particle system for the Arduino and (theoretically) any given graphic LCD. See it in action at http://vimeo.com/13510018

Primary LanguageC++

*  *  * PPPP      A     RRR     TTTTT   I    CCC    L       EEEEE       H   H
 * * *  P   P    A A    R  R      T     I   C   C   L       E           H   H
  ***   PPPP     A A    R  R      T     I   C       L       E           H   H
******* P        AAA    RRR       T     I   C       L       EEEE        HHHHH
  ***   P       A   A   R  R      T     I   C       L       E           H   H
 * * *  P       A   A   R   R     T     I   C   C   L       E       00  H   H
*  *  * P       A   A   R   R     T     I    CCC    LLLLL   EEEEE   00  H   H

A particle system library for Arduino that can (theoretically) be used 
with any graphic LCD. Comes with an example that uses the ST7565 
available from adafruit.com

To use this library, copy all the directory called Particle to the 
libraries/ folder of your Arduino installation.

This code is inspired in part by the particle system described in 
Programming Linux Games by John Hall (RIP c. 1980 - 2005) and Loki 
Software (RIP 1998-2002).