
Automatic publishing from GitHub to our website's Article section


This repository provides a publishing gateway to our website

Any articles in Markdown format (.md), in the /articles subdirectory, will be published to the website's Article section.


  • Please don't use large images. Keep images to a reasonable size by sizing it down beforehand using Photoshop, GIMP, or any image editor of your choice
  • Please keep images in the _/images directory, and link accordingly using relative linking (e.g. ![alt text](/_images/dbt.png)) in markdown notation
  • Use *less than 6 images per articles ideally
  • Try to include linking to other, revelant articles on Supertype.ai's own website / blogs. This will help readers find related content and promote the work of other authors on the site.


This automation considers the file name as the post slug i.e if the name of the file is data-science-101.md then the post slug is /notes/data-science-101.


Alternatively, for every folder present in the repository, a post will be created. The content of the folder post will be taken from the index.md file present under the directory.


For more details on using images, YAML headers, relative links etc, please refer to the plugin author's documentation: https://www.aakashweb.com/docs/git-it-write/writing-posts/

Tips on Writing

I often get asked how I write my articles. I put my thoughts together on Writing better technical articles