
Simple, lightweight type casting of JSON objects to classes. Use it on the JSON response from your server to deal with proper model classes on the frontend. No dependencies.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple, lightweight type casting of JSON objects to classes. Use it on the JSON response from your server to so you can use proper model classes on the frontend in one function call.

Your server has model classes. Your frontend has model classes. But, there isn't a great way to get instances of your Javascript model classes from the JSON objects in your responses. This package gives you an easy way to do so, without integrating with a complex Javascript framework, tying you to a specific server framework, or pulling in many dependencies (this package has none).


Given a JSON structure that looks like this:

var homer = {
  name: "Homer Simpson",
  __type: "Person",
  foods: [
    { name: "Jelly", category: "donut", favorite: true, __type: "Food" }

and some model classes that look like this:

class Person {
  getFavoriteFood() { return this.foods.find(f => f.favorite); }

class Food {
  getFullName() { return "${this.name} ${this.category}";  }

you can easily cast your JSON objects to instances of their respective classes:

homer.getFavoriteFood().getFullName(); // "Jelly donut"

Does this function mutate the original objects? Yes, and it uses setPrototypeOf to do so. Mozilla claims this is much slower than Object.assign, and also a dangerous operation. My benchmarks show the opposite, but I am actively looking for counterexamples.

Doesn't this mean I need to add an attribute to my JSON objects being sent from the server? Yes. This is simple enough for my use cases. If this does not fit for you, you should find a more complex framework. For example, class-transformer is non-intrusive through use of type decorators.



Fist, add the package to your project:

yarn add auto-type-cast

Next, register your model classes with auto-type-cast:

import { registerClass } from 'auto-type-cast';

class Person {


Make sure your server sends a __type attribute indicating the right class name to cast the object to, or augment the Javascript once you have it on the client. You're on your own with this, but here's an example from Ruby using ActiveModelSerializers:

class ApplicationSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
  attribute(:__type) { model.class.name }
  #assumes model class on server has same name as in Javascript

class PersonSerializer < ApplicationSerializer; end

Configure autoTypeCast. See Configuration below. Important: See note about getClassType and minification.

Finally, call autoTypeCast on the object. Arrays and deeply-nested structures will be scanned and cast as well, if found.

import autoTypeCast from 'auto-type-cast';

var response = fetch(...);


You can control the name of the attribute that specifies the class name:

var myObject = { "name": "Homer", myType: 'Person' };
autoTypeCast(myObject, { typeKey: 'myType' });
// myType was used to convert the object to instance of Person

If you need more granular or dynamic control of the class registry, import it directly:

import { classRegistry } from 'auto-type-cast';
delete classRegistry['Person'];
autoTypeCast({ __type: 'Person'}); // no conversion


Parameter Description Default
config.typeKey Determines the attribute name that specifies the object's type __type
config.getObjectType Returns the object's type. Used to look up the correct class in the registry. Uses config.typeKey by default, but if you need more control, you can override this (object, options) => object[options.typeKey || config.typeKey]
config.getClassType Returns the class's "type" name. Used to map objects to this class. The object type and the class type must match in order for autoTypeCast to work. (klass) => klass.name
config.beforeTypeCast Called with the object as a parmeter immediately before type casting it. You can use this if you need to transform it (e.g. manipulating __type) before it is ready for type cast. No-op (object) => {}
config.afterTypeCast Called with the object as a parmeter immediately after type casting it. You can use this if you need to transform it after it has taken on its new class (e.g. calling a function from the new class like object.mySpecialInit()) No-op (object) => {}

A note regarding getClassType: if you are uglifying/minifying/mangling your code, you are likely destroying class names in production, which will result in autoTypeCast being unable to find classes at runtime. You have a few options:

  1. Add a static name to your class, like so: class TestClass { static get name() { return 'TestClass'} }. This is the recommended option.
  2. Prevent the minifier from stripping out class/function names. (e.g. with keep_fnames = true)
  3. Override config.getClassType to determine the type name another way.



  • yarn run watch
  • Edit base code and observe test results


  • yarn run prod Runs tests, lints, and builds the module
  • npm version patch (or minor/major etc.)
  • npm publish