
html-webpack-plugin inject externals tags

Primary LanguageTypeScript



By configure externals packages settings, auto inject script or link tag into html template.


仅支持webpack > 5

Only works with webpack 5 and html-webpack-plugin 5.

To work with webpack 4, try https://github.com/shirotech/webpack-cdn-plugin.

介绍 / Intro



Work together with html-webpack-plugin, get your project dependencies correct version to generate script or link tag, then inject them into your html template header.

For now only support suffix with .css for link tag, all other suffixes will be script tags.

安装 / Install

yarn add html-webpack-inject-externals-plugin

配置示例代码 / Config example

const { HtmlWebpackInjectExternalsPlugin } from 'html-webpack-inject-externals-plugin'
const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackInjectExternalsPlugin({
      externals: {
        history: 'History',
      host: 'https://unpkg.com',
      packages: [
          name: 'history',
          path: `/umd/history.${isProd ? 'min.' : ''}js`,


Above config will generate result like:

<!--开发环境/development env -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/history@4.10.1/umd/history.js"></script>
<!--生产环境/production env -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/history@4.10.1/umd/history.min.js"></script>


The version part will be your project real dependencies version.

使用方法 / Usage


  • 💡 必须与html-webpack-plugin一起使用。

    Must work with html-webpack-plugin together.

  • 💡 html-webpack-plugin版本需要 > 4

    Require html-webpack-plugin version >4.

  • 🍾 兼容webpack 5,在next分支上测试。

    Compatible with webpack 5, tested in next branch.


const { HtmlWebpackInjectExternalsPlugin } = require('html-webpack-inject-externals-plugin')


import { HtmlWebpackInjectExternalsPlugin } from 'html-webpack-inject-externals-plugin'

添加到plugins项 / add to plugins

  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      inject: true,
      template: './public/index.html',
    new HtmlWebpackInjectExternalsPlugin({
      // externals项,非必须,可以写在这里,也可以直接写在webpack的externals中。
      externals: {
        history: 'History',
      host: 'https://unpkg.com',
      packages: [
          name: 'history',
          path: '/umd/history.js',
          name: 'animate.css',
          fullPath: 'https://unpkg.com/animate.css@4.1.0/animate.css',

参数解释 / Config Option

interface OPTION {
  // same with webpack externals. as below:
  // {
  //   react: 'React'
  //   'antd/lib/locale/zh_CN': ['antd', 'locales', 'zh_CN'],
  // }
  // this is optional, set it at webpack config part, works the same way.
  externals?: {
    [packageName: string]: string | string[]

  // full host with protocol, like "https://unpkg.com"
  host?: string

  // your externals dependencies
  packages: {
     * 如果有的包需要从其他站点或路径引入,
     * 可配置其他的类似unpkg功能的地址
     * 一般不需要单独配置
     * @example https://unpkg.my.com
     * */
    host?: string

     * 包名称
     * */
    name: string

     * 需要引用的包内的文件路径
     * @example `/umd/react.${isProd ? 'production.min' : 'development'}.js`
    path?: string

     * 使用fullPath则完全使用该项,不再从模块的package.json中自动拼接路径
   * @example: http://cdnjs.com/react/react.min.prodjction.js
     * */
    fullPath?: string

     * 定制标签属性
    * */
    attributes?: Record<string, string | boolean>

     * 默认按path或fullPath中的后缀名判断,js为script,css为link
     * 没有后缀默认按script
     * 也可以使用该项指定,覆盖自动判断行为
     * */
    tagName?: string

     * 每个标签前面面,可以自定义一个跟随的标签
     * 内容完全自定义
     * */
    injectBefore?: HtmlTagObject

     * 每个标签后面,可以自定义一个跟随的标签
     * 内容完全自定义
     * */
    injectAfter?: HtmlTagObject

     * 是否采用本地模式,即将node_modules中的文件复制到发布文件夹中
     * 使用了fullPath的package不会处理
     * */
    local?: boolean

     * 本地模式配合使用的文件夹前缀
     * 例如 /assets 或 /static
     * */
    localPrefix?: string