
record and mock api data by playwright

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Api recorder and mock tool for playwright

a playwright tool for record api and replay

Why this tool born?

Why not use playwright native recordHar option?

The recordHar function of playwright use exact match of url,body,headers content for mock data.

This tool will record api data by request order, and replay them with the same order.


⚠️ Must install @playwright/test.


yarn add -D @playwright/test playwright-record-and-mock

Usage steps

After install it, the pram cli is avalable, it is the shortcase of playwright-record-and-mock.

  1. Create playwright ts format config, content like below.

    import type { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test'
    const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
      projects: [
          name: 'Chrome Stable',
          testDir: 'e2e',
          use: {
            headless: false,
            browserName: 'chromium',
            channel: 'chrome',
            viewport: { width: 1920, height: 1080 },
    export default config
  2. run pram command for configure.

    pram init

    The command will change playwright.config.ts content.

    Then the playwright.config.ts should like below.

    import type { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test'
    import type { PramConfig } from 'playwright-record-and-mock'
    const config: PlaywrightTestConfig & PramConfig = {
      projects: [
          name: 'Chrome Stable',
          testDir: 'e2e',
          use: {
            headless: false,
            browserName: 'chromium',
            channel: 'chrome',
            viewport: { width: 1920, height: 1080 },
      pram: {
        outDir: 'e2e',
        site: 'https://your.host/',
        urlFilter: /\/api\//,
    export default config

    Or else you can copy the pram part into playwright.config.ts by yourself.

  3. run record by pram command.

    Record your test case in the browser by your own.

    yarn pram mytest1

    After record some browser acitons, close the browser and it will create dir e2e/mytest1, which contains the test case files.

    The test case file will looks like below.

    import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'
    import { mock } from "playwright-record-and-mock"
    test('test', async ({ page }) => {
      mock(page, __dirname)

    For now, pram finishes its work, the next is all the work of playwright.

  4. run playwright test.

yarn playwright test

Api support.

  • json

  • text


  • custom plugable rule for record and mock.