

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TS-GEAR example

Initialized by Create React App.

How to use this example

git clone https://github.com/superwf/ts-gear-example.git
cd ts-gear-example
yarn // or npm install

check the code generated in src/service.

πŸ†š Compare

Bad openapi doc compatible is the killer feature of ts-gear πŸ’‘.

See openapi-typescript-introduction(in Chinese🐼) for more information.

Here are 5 tools && 5 openapi doc => 5x5 results

Swagger pet store openapi v2

Fixture source: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json

  • βœ… ts-gear

    • command: yarn tsg -p tsGearPetV2

    • result position: src/service/tsGearPetV2/

    Actually, run yarn tsg without -p will generate all service code configured in src/tsg.config.ts

  • βœ… pont

    • command: yarn pont

    • result position: src/service/pont/petV2/

    Actually, run yarn pont will generate all service code configured in pont-config.json, in other fixtures case it does not need run again.

    😒 The request functions generated by pont do NOTconnect request parameters type nor response data type.

  • βœ… openapi-generator

    • command: yarn openapiGeneratorPetV2

    • result position: src/service/openapiGeneratorPetV2/

  • βœ… swagger-codegen

    • command: yarn swaggerCodegenPetV2

    • result position: src/service/swaggerCodegenPetV2/

  • βœ… oazapfts

    • command: yarn oazapftsPetV2

    • result position: src/service/oazapftsPetV2.ts

βœ… All tools generate result successfully.

Swagger pet store openapi v3

Fixture source: https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json

  • βœ… ts-gear

    • command: yarn tsg -p tsGearPetV3

    • result position: src/service/tsGearPetV3/

  • βœ…βŒ pont

    • command: yarn pont

    • result position: src/service/pont/petV3/

    😒 Run OK, but No definition data type generated.

  • βœ… openapi-generator

    • command: yarn openapiGeneratorPetV3

    • result position: src/service/openapiGeneratorPetV3/

  • βœ… swagger-codegen

    • command: yarn swaggerCodegenPetV3

    • result position: src/service/swaggerCodegenPetV3/

  • βœ… oazapfts

    • command: yarn oazapftsPetV3

    • result position: src/service/oazapftsPetV3.ts

βœ… All tools generate result successfully.

Bad defined example 1

Fixture source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/superwf/ts-gear-example/master/fixture/badDefined1.json

  • βœ… ts-gear

    • command: yarn tsg -p tsGearBadDefined1

    • result position: src/service/tsGearBadDefined1/

  • βœ…βŒ pont

    • βœ… command: yarn pont

    • ❌result position: src/service/pont/badDefined1/

    😒 Run OK, but No meaningful code generated.

  • βœ…βŒ openapi-generator

    • command: yarn openapiGeneratorBadDefined1

    • ❌ result: error Command failed with exit code 1

    the command tell me use --skip-validate-spec to skip validate, so try again with it.

    • command: yarn openapiGeneratorBadDefined1 -- --skip-validate-spec

    • result position: src/service/openapiGeneratorBadDefined1/

    😒 Run OK, but many data type definition missing.

  • βœ…βŒ swagger-codegen

    • command: yarn swaggerCodegenBadDefined1

    • ❌ result position: src/service/swaggerCodegenBadDefined1/

    😒 Run OK, but many data type definition missing.

  • ❌ oazapfts

    • command: yarn oazapftsBadDefined1

    • result: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MissingPointerError: Token "ReplyVOΒ«PageVOΒ«FieldDefListVO»»" does not exist

Bad defined example 2

Fixture source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/superwf/ts-gear-example/master/fixture/badDefined2.json

  • βœ… ts-gear

    • command: yarn tsg -p tsGearBadDefined2

    • result position: src/service/tsGearBadDefined2/

  • βœ…βŒ pont

    • command: yarn pont

    • result position: src/service/pont/badDefined2/

    😒 No meaningful code generated.

  • βœ…βŒ openapi-generator

    • command: yarn openapiGeneratorBadDefined2

    • result: error Command failed with exit code 1

    the command tell me use --skip-validate-spec to skip validate, so try again with it.

    • command: yarn openapiGeneratorBadDefined2 -- --skip-validate-spec

    • result position: src/service/openapiGeneratorBadDefined2/

    😒 Run OK, but many data type definition missing.

  • βœ…βŒ swagger-codegen

    • command: yarn swaggerCodegenBadDefined2

    • result position: src/service/swaggerCodegenBadDefined2/

    😒 Many data type definition missing and type name error.

  • ❌ oazapfts

    • command: yarn oazapftsBadDefined2

    • result: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MissingPointerError: Token "ListVO" does not exist

Bad defined example 3

Fixture source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/superwf/ts-gear-example/master/fixture/badDefined3.json

  • βœ… ts-gear

    • command: yarn tsg -p tsGearBadDefined3

    • result position: src/service/tsGearBadDefined3/

  • βœ… pont

    • command: yarn pont

    • result position: src/service/pont/badDefined3/

  • βœ…βŒ openapi-generator

    • βœ… command: yarn openapiGeneratorBadDefined3

    • ❌ result: src/service/openapiGeneratorBadDefined3/

    😒 Run OK, but result code has syntax error, can not be used directly.

  • βœ…βŒ swagger-codegen

    • command: yarn swaggerCodegenBadDefined3

    • result position: src/service/swaggerCodegenBadDefined3/

    😒 Run OK, but result code has syntax error, can not be used directly.

  • ❌ oazapfts

    • command: yarn oazapftsBadDefined3

    • result: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MissingPointerError: Token "Map" does not exist


tool bad doc compatible🌟 comment output Generic type independent request export more language support mock data custom request logic translate none english filter api openapi V2 & V3
ts-gear βœ… βœ… βœ…πŸ‘€ βœ… ❌ βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
pont βœ…βŒ βœ… ❌ βœ… βœ… ❌ βœ… βœ… ❌ ❌
openapi-generator ❌ βœ… βœ…πŸ‘€ ❌ βœ… ❌ βœ… ❌ ❌ βœ…
swagger-codegen ❌ βœ… βœ…πŸ‘€ ❌ βœ… ❌ βœ… ❌ ❌ βœ…
oazapfts ❌ βœ… βœ…πŸ‘€ βœ… ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ βœ…
  • Openapi-generator and Swagger-codegen are the most common industry general tools, they are powerfull for supportting many program languages and special env.

  • Only pont and ts-gear use configuration file, all other tools just use cli arguments.

  • ts-gear prove its self the compatibility with bad defined openapi doc.

    The compatibility of ts-gear is not infinite.

    First the target openapi should be a valid json, and it should not be too ridiculous. πŸ˜‘

Generic type πŸ‘€

Whether can generate generic type successfully, depends on the complement of openapi doc definition.