
deploy whsiper on aws

Primary LanguagePython

Whisper on EC2 Jumpstart


Through CloudFormation on AWS, create a VPC network environment with a single click, and deploy a Whisper model within it to run a UI based on Streamlit.

Project Includes:

  • ui.py: A Python application based on Streamlit, providing a simple Web interface to use the Whisper model for converting audio to text.
  • api.py: A FastAPI application, providing an API to query the result file from the S3 bucket.
  • whisper_sqs_message_processor.py: A Python consumer application to handle messages from the AWS SQS queue. The event message will be pushed to the SQS queue after files are uploaded to the S3 bucket.
  • whisper-prod.yaml: An AWS CloudFormation YAML file that automatically install the service.

Installation Guide:

  • Accept the user agreement for the following models (click through the links below and accept the terms):

    1. Segmentation
    2. Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
    3. Speaker Diarization
  • Set a Hugging Face access token Image 9

  • Create a new EC2 key pair through the AWS Console.

    Image 10

  • Create a stack in the CloudFormation console.

    Image 7

  • Set the parameters for the project.

    Image 10

  • Note the CloudFront domain name for the UI demo and the Network Load Balancer domain name for the API.

    Image 3

  • Wait around 10 minutes for the EC2 instance to initialize the environment.

  • Access the CloudFront domain name


to see the UI.

Image 6

UI Guide:
  • Auto-download and transcribe YouTube videos to text.

    Image 3

  • Summarize the transcription result with Claude3.

    Image 3

  • Audit the transcription result with Claude3.

    Image 3

  • Upload an MP3 file and transcribe it to text.

    Image 3

S3 Guide:
  • Upload video files to the S3 bucket. Image 3

  • You can tag the file before uploading it, as shown below. Image 3

  • Wait around 3 minutes, and the transcription file, summary file, and audit file will be automatically uploaded to the bucket. Image 3

API Guide:
  • You can use the API to check if the transcription file exists in the bucket.

    curl http://whispe-xxxx.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:9000/check_files?file_path=s3://whisper-bucket-xxx/test.mp4