The online gratitude journal is my submission for the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon. I created this project to spread a little joy in the world as the world went into lockdown. Sometimes we need to remember what we have, and we need to be thankful for that. is a place for people to express themselves and thier gratitude.
I used NodeJS for the backend with Express as a framework. I stored all the posts into MongoDB Atlas. I used Auth0 to work with logins and store users. I created a RESTful API to interact with the database and store new posts. This allowed my app to be single page. I used EJS in the frontend to display posts with ease. I used JQuery to make API calls. The API's routes are /api for displaying all posts and /api/:id to find posts by thier MongoDB id.
- Materialize CSS
- Jquery
- NodeJS
- MongoDB Atlas
- Auth0
- ExpressJS
Tools Used:
- MongoDB Atlas
- Visual Studio Code
- Ubuntu 21.04
- Postman
I aim to gain a larger audience for Thank.Codes and increase it's reach. I also plan to keep adding newer features such as:
- Share to Instagram(Convert HMTL to image and share)
- Like system(Stored into Mongo)