
Data Warehouse & Big Query

This week we learned more about Data Warehouse & Big Query.

What is Data Warehouse?

  • Data Warehouse is a central repository to store data from various sources.
  • Data might be transformed before getting loaded into a database (ETL).
  • In some cases, data might not be transformed but it maintains inside the Data Warehouse (in a staging area). After data get transformed (ELT), which also happens inside the Data Warehouse, then it will be loaded into a database.

What is Big Query?

  • BigQuery (BQ) is a serverless Data Warehouse, managed by Google.
  • BQ supports all data types and works across cloud.
  • And BQ supports SQL-like query, which we will be working on today

Scope of Work

We will put knowledge from previous weeks into action.

Tasks of week 3 are:

  1. Collect data from sources
  2. Store data in google cloud
  3. Work with data in Big Query (Create an external table & native table, Compared partitioned data vs non-partitioned data and observe its performance)
  4. Query data with SQL

And this week we are free to use any tools/method in our favorites.

Since I've been working with the Prefect Orchestration tool in the past weeks. I chose to continue working with Prefect because of its simple yet effective.

Data Collection & Store in Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

By using Prefect, we can create a workflow to complete 2 tasks in one action, which are:

  1. Data collection
  2. Upload data into Google Cloud


  1. Create a python file, I named it "" which contains functions as follow:
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from prefect import flow, task
from prefect_gcp.cloud_storage import GcsBucket
from prefect.tasks import task_input_hash

def fetch(dataset_url: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Read taxi data from web into pandas DataFrame"""
    df = pd.read_csv(dataset_url)
    return df

def write_local(df: pd.DataFrame, dataset_file: str) -> Path:
    """Write DataFrame out locally as csv file"""
    path = Path(f"data/fhv/{dataset_file}.csv")
    df.to_csv(path, compression="gzip")
    return path

def write_gcs(path: Path) -> None:
    """Upload local csv file to GCS"""
    gcs_block = GcsBucket.load("zoom-gcs")
    gcs_block.upload_from_path(from_path=path, to_path=path, timeout=120)

def web_to_gcs(year: int, month: int) -> None:
    """The main function"""
    dataset_file = f"fhv_tripdata_{year}-{month:02}"
    dataset_url = f"{dataset_file}.csv.gz"

    df = fetch(dataset_url)
    path = write_local(df, dataset_file)

def etl_parent_flow(
    months: list[int] = [1, 2], year: int = 2019
    for month in months:
        web_to_gcs(year, month)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    months = list(range(1,13))
    year = 2019
    etl_parent_flow(months, year)

  1. Run
  2. Now all data are stored in local & on GCS

Google Big Query

After having data stored in GCS.

You can now work with data using Big Query.


  1. Create dataset
  2. Create table (2 options: Native table and External table)
  3. Load data into the table

What are the different between those two types of tables?

External Table in Big Query

  • Instead of create a table and store all the data in that table inside the Big Query, we create an external table.
  • External table is a table definition (which you will use to query data). But all the data will be stored outside Big Query. In this case, it's stored in GCS.
  • Even our data is not in the Big Query but we can still query them using all the tool e.g. SQL. This concept is called "federated query".

Native Table

  • Native table is a table that stores all data inside Big Query
  • More expensive than using external table

Step 1: Create Dataset

  • Check your region that you've set on your Bucket On Terminal, run
gsutil ls -Lb gs://<your bucket name>

Back to your gcloud,

Go to >> Big Query

  • Click ⋮ (three dot next to your project name)
    • Setup dataset name & region
    • Click Create Dataset

Step 2: Create Table

How to Create an External Table

On your gcloud/bigquery

  • Click + sign (which is "compose new query")

  • Run the query below to creat an external table

-- Creating external table referring to gcs path
CREATE OR REPLACE EXTERNAL TABLE `<project name>.<dataset name>.<table name>`
  format = 'CSV',
  uris = ['gs://<bucket name>/path/to/csv file/<file name>.csv']

How to Create a Native Table & Load Data into Table

On your gcloud/bigquery

  • Click +ADD DATA

  • Select Google Cloud Storage as Source

    • Browse file that you want to work on or write path to file as follow, to gather multiple files into a table

      <your bucket name>/path/to/file/fhv_tripdata_2019-*.csv

    • Define dataset name, table name

    • Select table type: Native Table

    • Create table

Now you have your table & can proceed to answer the questions in homework!

SQL Query

One you have your dataset & table.

You can now using SQL tool to query data.

Refering to Homework Week 3

Here are links to some useful query:

Big Query SQL

Big Query Homework

==========Thank You==========