
Once a year around the full moon, there will be the biggest orgasm night in the sea.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Coral Spawning

Once a year around the spring full moon, there will be the biggest orgasm night in the sea.

This project is a part of the Data Analytics Bootcamp at Ironhack.


Project Description

  • Have you ever wondered how corals reproduce?

They reproduce 2 ways:

  1. Asexual reproduction, splitting and dividing

  2. Sexual reproduction, mating between eggs and sperm

The Problem

The asexual method can happen any time of the year, fast, and massive. That's why it is widely used for many coral restoration projects.

But the problem remains because in a long run asexsual reproduction is unsustainable.

Why is it important?

Think about the whole community with the same clone. Without genetic diversity, there will be no survivors in case of widespread disease or a natural catastrophic event e.g. sea temperature rising. If no one carries disease-resistant genes, the whole community will vanish.

Increasing genetic diversity is essential for every species on earth including corals. Therefore, sexual reproduction is the answer.

As the eggs and sperm fertilize to create a new generation, there will be a chance of good gene combinations.

The gene exchange and mutation allow revolution. This will help coral to adapt to any changes that could happen in the future and/or the change that is happening now.


Coral is an animal but it cannot move around.

  • How do corals find mates and have sexual intercourse?

And that's why the topic. Coral spawning! Corals release eggs and sperm into the open water in a massive amount. So that there will be more chances for the eggs and sperm to meet and fertilize.

But that means, the male and female of the same specie have to release gametes at the same time or must be very close.

  • How do they know when to release?


  • How do they communicate?

These questions are still needed answers. We need more research on corals and coral reproductions to fully understand them in order to work with/for them.

And in this project we are going to study about the coral spawning time (around the clocl), when they will spawn.

Project Goal

  • Predict coral spawning time (Linear Regression)


The Dataset provided by the research community at Newcastle University’s Open Research


  1. Search for my interest and project idea
  2. Literature review to understand the topic
  3. Collect data / more review
  4. Set project goal / project planning
  5. Data Science Project Cycle
    • Understand the problem / data
    • Data exploration / SQL / Tableau
    • Build a baseline model / model assessment
    • Improve model / model assessment
    • Prepare presentation slide / Writing report
    • Presentation


Trello as a management tool


How to use/read files

Access files here

01_Data Cleaning

02_Exploratory Data Analysis

03_Machine Learning - Linear Regression



06_Presentation Slides

07_Machine Learning (extra) - Time Series