
A simple way to create and parse graphql query on node application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple way to create and parse graphql query on node application

Building graphql query is just an API away.
No graphql knowledge is required.

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Table of Contents

Note V1 template will be deprecated soon. Use V2 instead.


Visit https://jgpp.koustov.com/


    npm install json-graphql-parser axios
    # or
    yarn add json-graphql-parser axios


  1. Import ES6
    // ES6
    import {submit} from 'json-graphql-parser'
    // ES5
    const {submit} = require('json-graphql-parser')
  2. Usage
    submit(query_config, url, additional_header)

Query Configuration

Basic Query

    display:    "[Optional | String]: Give a display name for the query",
    name:       "[Optional | String]: Query name",
    function:   "[Required | String]: Target function name",
    write:      "[Optional | Boolean]: Whether the current one is a write query",
    return:     "[Required | String Array]: Array parameters to return"


    where: {
        clause {
            class:      "[Optional | String] Target class name",
            node:       "[Required | String] Target node",
            operator:   "[Optional | String] Operator type (or/and)",
            conditions: [{
                field:      "[Required | String]: Field in question",
                operator:   "[Required | String] Operator (eq | ne | in | ...)",
                value:      "[Required | String] Value to match",
                class:      "[Optional | String] Target class name",
                clause:     "[Optional | Object] More recursive conditions"


Check the object schema here


A bunch of examples has been given under queries from an outstanding open source application called reactplay

Contribution 🍰

Feel free to create issue and make pull request

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MIT © Koustov