This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
This project uses next/font
to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.
Following the Web Prodigies tutorial The Github repo
Alternative resource Code with Antonio > Github repo
We will use Shadcn UI which is built using Radix UI to create components for our application
- The Button is not defined while referencing it. --> Shadcn UI component
- Timestamp 2:37:00 to generate TypeScript types from supabase. It is no longer supported in the UI.
Steps to generate types
$: yarn add supabase -d $: yarn supabase login open the link and login into your account; a token is generated $: yarn supabase gen types typescript --project-id=[your-project-ref] --schema=storage,public > src/lib/supabase/supabase.types.ts Change your-project-ref; It will create the types within the mentioned file
- After this step, when we linked subscription data from
the page refresh was breaking. Commenting outmigrateDb()
from thedb
file fixed the above issue. Discussion on this issue in the video. Even this does not fix it. The docs have been updated. - onSubmitHandler code was not added.
- When we added a new collaborator schema,
yarn generate
andyarn dev
to migrate the schema, things stopped working. I had to go into supabase database settings and restart the DB. This is due to a timeout error. The fix for this is to use the following code. discussed on discord
But, they haven't mentioned how to use it. Would we not make use of drizzle orm anymore? not clear at all.import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"; declare global { var prisma: PrismaClient | undefined; } export const db = globalThis.prisma || new PrismaClient(); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") globalThis.prisma = db;
- After this step, when we linked subscription data from
- Timestamp - I am unable to open the dropdown on click
- No need for this as we have added delete on cascade.
- At Timestamp didn't talk about how the profile section is created in the sidebar bottom.
- Timestamp we delete the workspace from db instead of adding it to trash. I have added the trash feature.
- The UserCard component is not available in the video
- Real-time text updates are working sometimes and not working the rest of the time. Cursor update is never happening.
- How to add background gradient colors for containers
merges various TailwindCSS configs without any conflictsclsx
takes various types of input (including conditional classNames) and creates a string of classNames. Very handy in this app for testimonials- [...Array(2).map] is added to repeat the same set twice.
npx shadcn-ui
components will automatically import from radix and add the Component in/components/ui
folder- Revised how to create and define TypeScript types
- Zod is a TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference. We use it with react-hook-form
- A
file is similar to alayout.tsx
in that it wraps each child layout or page. Unlike layouts that persist across routes and maintain state, templates create a new instance for each of their children on navigation. - Next.js Server Actions are focused on handling server-side tasks such as data updates and form submissions, providing a seamless RPC experience, while React Server Components (RSC) are designed to optimize the user experience by allowing UI rendering and caching on the server, with a focus on reducing the client-side JavaScript bundle and improving performance.
- leading-snug --> line-height: 1.375;
- The
function, as the name suggests, infers or deduces the SELECT statement based on the model's structure or schema. - next/dynamic is a composite of React.lazy() and Suspense. It behaves the same way in the app and the pages directories to allow for incremental migration.
- To protect your application from malicious users, configuration is required in order to use external images. This ensures that only external images from your account can be served from the Next.js Image Optimization API. These external images can be configured with the
property in yournext.config.js
file - According to PostgresJS official website, PostgresJS is the fastest fully featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js and Deno.
- QuillJS, delta -> to decide which real-time cursor should take precedence. Read more about how things work
- You cannot use an API folder in a Next.js application while using Socket.IO because Socket.IO requires a server to handle WebSocket connections, and Next.js doesn't support server-side code in its API routes. While Socket.IO requires a persistent server to handle WebSocket connections, the serverless functions used in the API folder are not suitable for maintaining WebSocket connections.
- We create our own quill-cursor module to track the user's cursor in real-time.
- Supabase -> Database -> Replication -> Tables -> Enable [folders, files, workspaces, collaborators]
- does not work on Vercel. So, we use Railway to deploy this app. (paid plans only)
- Add .env to gitIgnore and remove from Github
- Add global loader while changing workspaces, log in or signup page.
- Add other details input in the sign-up form. Add these changes within SettingsForm to update the user info.
- If the folder is in the trash.
make sure that the files within this folder are also updated toinTrash
. Similarly, the same approach for the workspace. (giving some TypeScript error) - Create
storages in supabase and access corresponding data from there. - Close upload banner modal after upload
- Understand this point that is made.
would swap between what we have locally and what is on the server. Initially, it would set the data from the server. - Make the page title editable in
. - Go through this Vercel issue to find a better fix for this temp.
- Set up a row-level policy for all the tables in the supabase. Timestamp
1 Files keeps resetting when we change between workspaces. 2 Real-time workspaces 3 WHEN YOU trash a folder files are also trashed but now when you try to 4 WHEN SOMEONE IS ADDED AS A WORKSPACE COLLABORATOR THEN you need to create the real-time feature. 5 Include the number of collaborators in the Plan Usage
- The next steps have to be completed. Facing some issues w.r.t sockets.
- The issue was with
version. - URL
/[workspaceId]` API call is happening redundantly in the network tab. (unable to find the cause) - Stripe checkout API error. Not showing the right message to find the issue.
- Change the NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL after deployment.
- On deletion of any file or folder, redirect to the parent
- If findMatchingFile and findMatchingFolder util is working fine. Test the useSupabaseRealtime functionality