
In this app perform some actions in fontend and backend part. Fontend using html5, css3, react, react-router-dom, react-slick, universal-cookies, authorization, redux, redux-toolkit, redux-rtk-query ckeditor, react-hot-toast. In backend using expressjs, body-parser, jsonwentoken, bcrypt, multer, dotenv, mongoose

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In this app performed some actions in fontend and backend part. It's not a complete app. I using react-router-dom v6 for fontend routing.User authentication, user authorization in Fontend and Backend. In user authorization I used browser cookies. User can post create post and edit/delete action perform only own post. I using redux-rtk query for api calling, data fetching or create. created a custom datetime formatter for see when posted. Custom pagination system. Also using redux, redux-store.

Fontend Technology

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • React
  • react-router-dom
  • redux
  • redux-toolkit
  • reduxt-rtk-query
  • jsonwebtoken
  • universal-cookie
  • react-slick
  • react-icon

Backend Technology

  • expressjs
  • cors
  • body-parser
  • universal-cookie
  • jsonwebtoken
  • becrypt
  • multer
  • mondb
  • mongoose


Home Page


Dropdown Menu & Canvas

canvas and menu

Single Post page

single page

Post Create Page

post create page

Category Create Page

category create page

Sign up Page

sign up page

Sign in Page

sign in page