
solve, test, debug question for leetcode

Primary LanguageTypeScript


An excellent vscode extension for leetcode.

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Quick Start

Quick Start


  • javascript
  • typescript
  • python3
  • golang
  • java
  • c++
  • shell
  • sql

will support other language soon

Main Features

  • write testcase in the file and run test in local, support link list and tree

  • debug the testcase

  • memo

  • multi-solution and history

  • support import module, bundle code and copy the build code.(only support js/ts)

  • contain contest (Do not submit directly when you attending weekly contest, copy the code and submit in browser instead.)

Other Features


  • javascript/typescript

    • Nodejs 12+

      The test and debug will use node to execute. Make sure that node is in your PATH environment variable.If you're using nvm, you may need to set the algorithm.nodePath in the VS Code settings.

  • python3

  • golang

    • Make sure that go is in your PATH environment variable.
    • install the official golang extension
  • java

  • c++

Pick a question

Click the question in the algorithm view

Switch code lang

press ctrl+shift+p and run the Command algorithm:switch default language

Switch database

press ctrl+shift+p and run the Command algorithm:switch default database

shortcut buttons

Just click the shortcut button in the view toolbar to

  • refresh question
  • search question
  • login in
  • switch endpoint
  • collapse all

shortcut buttons

Switch endpoint

current support:

  • leetcode.com
  • leetcode.cn

Note: The accounts of different endpoints are not shared.

Login in

The way to login in referred to the official extension vscode-leetcode.

  • leetcode.com support github and cookie login.
  • leetcode.cn support account,github and cookie login.

Test in the file

The code contains default testcase from question preview.

By clicking the test codelens hover in the vscode to run the test in local.

You can add customized testcase in the code like // @test(param)=result. test


You only need to set breakpoints on the testcase line and set breakpoints for the code.

🎉 Then enjoy debugging!


Note:If you are debugging java,ensure the extension Debugger for Java>=v0.33.1 or the extension Java Extension Pack>=v0.14.0. If you build error when debugging,press ctrl+shift+p and run the Command Java:Clean Java Language Server Workspace.

Note:If you are debugging c++ in m1, you need install the vscode extension named CodeLLDB


Click the submit hover to submit your code. You can use build to view the final submitted code.



You can create different folders and add questions to them. memo

Multi-solution and History


  1. Click the history codelens, you will see the answers and submit history.
  2. Add the comment @desc $(method name) in the code, it will generate description or comment when submit or use new leetcode answer command.
  3. Right click the mouse,you will see the new leetcode answer command.This command will save your old answer and init a new answer.You can scan it in 4.
  4. the old answers
  5. submit solution save in local
  6. submit solution save in leetcode

Weekly Contest

When you participate in Weekly Contest, you may choose c++,java,python. Because they have the built-in library like STL that contains priority queue,order set etc.

Now you have another choice.


Do not submit directly when you attend weekly contest,click build and then click copy to copy code , finally paste the code in browser and submit.

build code & copy code

This is useful in the weekly contest.

  • click the build codelens hover.


  • focus the code view then click the copy icon.


The code import module algm which contains many useful function and data structure, such as priority queue,Segment tree, union–find ,skip list. 🚀 Thanks to treeshake and rollup, the bundle code is very clean.


press ctrl+, or open file->Preferences->Settings, you will see User and Workspace setting. Workspace setting will override User setting. open Extensions->algorithm,you will see the settings:

Setting Name Description Default Value
Auto Import Str The string will be inserted at the beginning of the coding file ""
Base Dir The path of the folder to save the problem files $HOME/.alg
Code Lang default code language JavaScript
Lang Specify the active endpoint.support leetcode.com and leetcode.cn leetcode.com
Node Path The absolute pathname of the executable that started the Node.js process. eg: /usr/local/bin/node node
javaPath The absolute pathname of java java
javacPath The absolute pathname of javac javac
Database default sql language MySQL
displayLock if true, will display the locked questions. false


Thanks to the official extension vscode-leetcode, the algorithm extension has reference some design and the login method.