File "", line 1:
    from __future__ import braces
SyntaxError: not a chance

not a chance

A VSCode-extension-to-be that inserts curly brackets, live, into Python code. This follows the old and unfunny "Python does have block delimiters!" joke:

def is_even(n):
# {
    if n < 0:
    # {
        return is_even(-n)
    # }
    return not n if n < 2 else is_even(n - 2)
# }


  1. Some programmers depend on screen-readers, for which Python's lack of block delimiters poses difficulty.
  2. Certain Sam-I-ams coming from other languages do not like the idea of semantic indentation (because they wouldn't be indenting anyway).
  3. Because.

Who else has done this?

Many. But none AFAIK as a live editor extension!

  • pybraces: The best implementation by far (and adaptable to Python 3 easily enough), but a touch fuzzy to use and may not play nice with code-analysis tools that don't consider encoding.
  • bython: Requires a separate transpilation step. Definitely does not play nice with code-analysis tools.
  • Comes with Python and uses nonintrusive comments, but requires a separate transpilation step and delimits blocks using words rather than {braces}.


  • Live reformatting to braced Python
  • On-save reformatting from braced Python
  • Preservation of existing comments