
Deathma Colosseum Time Series Chart

Example 1: 11th chart

11th DeathColo chart

Example 2: 11th chart with min-avg area

11th DeathColo chart with min-avg area

Display Options

display options


Clone this repository, then

bundle install


Just run the ruby code

ruby app.rb

That's all.

Change language color

  • Modify langColors object in /views/script.coffee
  • Currently some language colors are pre-defined as my feeling, and the others are colored by highcharts's default color if any.

Languages colorization


This tool is inspired by すっぴーさん(@suppy193)'s tweet with nice visualization!

#デスマコロシアム 某言語の動きがアツイので最短文字数の推移をグラフにしてみました。ポイントは ・Brainf**kはどこまで短くなるのか。 ・tbpgrさんの集計時刻!! ※Unlambdaはグラフに含めていません。ご了承ください。 pic.twitter.com/gY6B2OHqfQ

— suppy(すっぴー) (@suppy193) 2015, 7月 8
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Also thanks to てぃーびーさん(@tgpgr) a.k.a デスマコロシアム管理人