Distribution Center Simulator

Project 2 for CX 4230

A discrete event simulator written in Python 3.6 to model the delivery of packages from a distribution center.

engine.py has the core simulation engine code

event_handler.py has the event handlers for various events


main.py has the code for executing the simulator.

It can be run using python main.py.

Parameters can be specified for the following:

Flag Parameter Default Value
-v Number of vehicles 4
-w Number of workers 10
-p Total number of packages 1000

If a flag is not given or an improper value was passed in, the default value is used.

Example execution using parameters: python main.py -p 1000 -v 4 -w 10

Example output:

Running simulation with 1000 packages, 10 workers, 4 vehicles.
Processed 1000 packages:
Average package delivery time: 4250.80 minutes.
10 workers were idle for an average of 2869.30 minutes.

Note that output differs on each run due to random variables in the simulation.