ECE586 Final Project - Group 9 ;)

Yashodhan Wagle, Supreet Gulavani, Ramaa Potnis, Preksha Gandhi

How to run:

  • Assuming you have GCC and Make installed, cd to the project directory and run

    make debug : Build with debug info printed to console

    make release : Build without debug info printed to the console

    make clean : Build gets cleaned i.e rm -rf

  • You should now have the executable named ece586_isa_simulator in the top directory.

  • Run it as follows:

    $ ./ece586_isa_simulator <input_mem_file> <output_mem_file> <program_counter> <stack_address> <verbose_mode> <debug_mode>

  • For example, input mem file is input.mem and output in the file named output.txt setting the program counter 0 and stack address to 65535. Select verbose mode by adding 1 or 0 . Select debug mode by adding 1 or 0

    $ ./ece586_isa_simulator input.mem output.txt 0 65535 1 0