
The world of digital advertising continues to change around us. As marketers look for ways to get their ads in front of their target audience. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that encourages decentralisation while also ensuring security and transparency. Since a blockchain stores information and records transactions as they happen in real-time, advertisers can leverage it to keep track of user matrix which brings more transparency in advertising industry.

The application developed provides a basic functionality where any user can sign up and login to the application. The user is displayed with a console where he can choose to be a advertiser or a viewer. On choosing to be viewer he will be displayed with a page with random Ads present. In the advertiser console the advertiser has to submit the ad name and the no of slots he wishes to choose. The advertiser can check the view count of their ads and the viewer details.

Viewer Page - image

Advertiser Console - image

View count details - image



  • Ganache
  • Node.js
  • Truffle
  • Metamask

Steps to run the Application

Create a .env file has the GANACHE_PORT value and OWNER_ADDRESS value Connect to the local test network

Commands to run:-

To deploy the smart contract:

>truffle migrate

>truffle compile

To install node modules and run the application:

>npm i

>npm run dev