- angelyang0123
- brandeath
- dingye18Beijing, China
- DonghongHan
- gapryMacau, Macao
- helloinrm
- HoWingSze
- irojkov-phTIQI group at ETH Zürich
- ironmanaudiPKU
- junhuaForth AI
- LWKJJONAKTsinghua University
- Mafenyi
- menh
- MorinWCity University Of Hong Kong
- pdaher@ligmobile
- philophysics
- PostQuantumTsinghua University
- QPIpattern
- Rodin1000
- ryuikanekoSophia University
- saalimon
- SalahuddinNurUniversity College London
- supremacyfutureSupremacy Future Technologies Co.
- takajoub
- theaGodzilla
- tkersey@thisisartium
- uuiin
- vijpandaturtleAmrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
- wangleiphyInstitute of Physics, CAS
- ycchen1989New York
- yudengc
- zengjinfengUCAS