Helpers for declaring Datomic schema.
Datomic schema is a list of facts defined as Clojure data, which is great. But Datomic doesn't tell how to organize DB schema. The simplest option would be defining a single list of database objects. That is fine for small schemas. But when schema grows, it becomes hard to manage and validate it:
- while developing, you may want to turn on/off some attribute definitions
- text editors don't like huge Clojure forms
Also, it's better to ensure that
- all the schema entities have unique names
- DB functions are syntactically correct and don't refer undefined symbols
datomic-helpers is an attempt to solve the problems above adding some convenience to defining Datomic database schemas.
Add dependency
[suprematic/datomic-helpers "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Require datomic-helpers.schema
(:require [datomic-helpers.schema as dschema
:refer [defschema db-fn defidents]]))
Define identities
;; defidents creates a list or identity definitions and binds it to a var
(defidents colors
Define attributes
;; defschema creates a list or attribute definitions and binds it to a var
(defschema pen
{:db/ident :pen/ink-color
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/doc "The ink color"}
{:db/ident :pen/cap-color
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/doc "The cap color"})
(defschema pencil
{:db/ident :pencil/core-color
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/doc "The ink color"}
{:db/ident :pencil/body-color
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/doc "The cap color"})
Define DB functions
;; Internal checks
;; db-fn also defines a function which can be used e.g., in REPL
(db-fn -check-pen-attributes [_db pen]
(when-not (contains? pen :pen/ink-color)
(throw (ex-info "no ink color" {:pen pen})))
(when-not (contains? pen :pen/cap-color)
(throw (ex-info "no cap color" {:pen pen}))))
(db-fn -check-pencil-attributes [_db pencil]
(when-not (contains? pencil :pencil/core-color)
(throw (ex-info "no core color" {:pencil pencil})))
(when-not (contains? pencil :pencil/body-color)
(throw (ex-info "no body color" {:pencil pencil}))))
;; API
(db-fn add-pen [_db pen]
[[:-check-pen-attributes pen]
(db-fn add-pencil [_db pencil]
[[:-check-pencil-attributes pencil]
Collect the final schema, checking if all the definitions are unique
(def schema
Write the schema and use the DB
(:require [datomic.api :as datomic]
[ :as store-db]))
(let [db-conn (datomic/connect db-url)]
@(datomic/transact db-conn store-db/schema))
(let [pen
{:pen/ink-color :color/blue
:pen/cap-color :color/black}
{:pencil/core-color :color/yellow
:pencil/body-color :color/yellow}
db-conn (datomic/connect db-url)]
@(datomic/transact db-conn [[:add-pen pen]])
@(datomic/transact db-conn [[:add-pencil pencil]]))
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