Bash-like globbing patterns for Clojure(Script).
Supported pattern language constructs:
: matches any single character*
: matches any string, including the empty string[qwe]
: matches any single character in#{\q \w \e}
: matches any single character not in#{\q \w \e}
: matches any single character between\a
: matches anything that any of the patternsone
would match. This one is has slightly different semantics than what e.g. bash does (because in bash curly braces are not actually a part of the matching engine)
See the tests for more details and examples.
(require '[globus.core :as glob])
;; check if a string is a glob pattern (contains special symbols)
(glob/glob? "abc") ; => false
(glob/glob? "ab?c") ; => true
;; filter a sequence of strings
(glob/glob "a*" ["aaa" "bb" "cccc" "defg"]) ; => ("aaa")
(glob/glob "[^a]???" ["aaa" "bb" "cccc" "defg"]) ; => ("cccc" "defg")
;; ignorecase
(glob/glob "A*" ["aaa" "bb" "cccc" "defg"]) ; => ()
(glob/glob "A*" ["aaa" "bb" "cccc" "defg"] {:ignorecase true}) ; => ("aaa")
;; convert a pattern to a (string representation of a) regular expression
(glob/pattern->regex "{a.*,*b}") ; => "(?:(?:a\\..*)|(?:.*b))"
;; enumerate all possible expansions of a pattern
(glob/explode "[ab]{cd,efg,hi[j-m]}")
; =>
; ["acd"
; "aefg"
; "ahij"
; "ahik"
; "ahil"
; "ahim"
; "bcd"
; "befg"
; "bhij"
; "bhik"
; "bhil"
; "bhim"]
;; that fails for patterns that cannot be expanded (contain `*`, `?` or
;; `[^...])
(glob/explode "abc*") ; Exception is thrown
Run the project's tests:
$ clojure -T:build test
$ clojure -T:build test-node # ClojureScript tests
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