
This is the formula sheet for "Mathematics for Beginners" by Siraj Raval on Youtube


This is the collection of formula sheets for "Mathematics for Beginners" by Siraj Raval on Youtube


This is the collection of formula sheets for this video on Youtube by Siraj Raval on how to read any math equation.

The 10 Step process to understand any Math Equation

1 -Find an Equation that sparks joy

2- Define the Objective

3- Understand the dependencies

4- Pull up related formula sheets

5- Write it out

6- Translate it to English

7- Translate it to Code

8- Visualize it

9- Apply it to real-world problems

10- Explain it

Formula Sheets

Am i missing a math topic? Find a cheatsheet, make a PR, i'll accept it. Just google "(Your subject) cheat sheet"

Math to Code translation tools