
All 8thSem specific contents of CSITauthority under one repository


CSITauthority 8th Sem Contents

All 8thSem specific contents of CSITauthority under one repository


Website is generated from this code, at gh-pages branch: https://csitauthority.github.io/8thSem

To Contribute //for Developers

  1. git clone https://github.com/csitauthority/8thSem.git
  2. cd 8thSem
  3. git submodule init
  4. git submodule update --remote
  5. hugo server --ignoreCache

* We assume that you have already installed git-bash and hugo. Keep hugo.exe inside C:\Users\{Username}\bin\ after installing git-bash. Oh, and you also(ofcourse) need a github account

Executing these commands will let you have a local copy of CSITauthority/8thSem, for making desired changes, which you can then send us via a pull-request to incorporate into the main repository.

To change how the site looks and functions, you should contribute towards the theme repo instead.

We strongly recommend you to fork your own copy of this repository before doing anything. That will replace your URL from Step-1 into (say) https://github.com/siddhantrimal/8thSem.git , with your username replacing siddhantrimal. By doing so, it will be easier to send your updates.

Or, you can just upload

If development is not for you(yet?ever?), you can still easily contribute by joining our slack.


Distributed in multi-licensing nature under primarily copy-left license, along with some other licenses.