
Simon Game in HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I have build Simon says Game in HTML, CSS, JavaScript

#User Stories

  1. This is a single player game.
  2. The game starts with lighting up colorboxes
  3. The user need to remember the pattern of the colorboxes, when it flashes
  4. To win the game User should click on colorboxes in exact pattern as was flashed
  5. As we progress number of flashes will increase
  6. If user fails to click the colorboxes in pattern as flashed
  7. The player will lose the game

Simon Design

The tiles in the game flashes really fast right after you done clicking on level 1. So if you blink or not you will have chances to lose.


  1. Controlling flashing tile function after user is done clicking first pattern.
  2. Spend time debugging to compare numbers in my logic however, their typeof was string and number. Mike helped me figure it out.


  1. Controlling flashing. (used setTimeout but it's not working out for me)