
Story of my journey in MedTourEasy as a data analyst trainee and complete story of my projects!

About MedTourEasy

MedTourEasy, a global healthcare company, provides you the informational resources needed to evaluate your global options. It helps you find the right healthcare solution based on specific health needs, affordable care while meeting the quality standards that you expect to have in healthcare. MedTourEasy improves access to healthcare for people everywhere. MedTourEasy provides analytical solutions to our partner healthcare providers globally.

About Project

Project Name:Handedness and Life Expectancy Analysis

Problem Statement:

The problem statement for this project is to analyze the death age difference between left-handers and right-handers. We aim to determine whether there is a significant difference in the death age between the two groups and identify the factors that may influence this difference. The study will help to gain a better understanding of the impact of left-handedness on mortality and contribute to the existing body of research on this topic. The project will use statistical techniques and data visualization to analyze the data and draw conclusions.


This project involves analyzing the death age difference between left-handers and right-handers. The objective of this study is to investigate whether handedness is associated with differences in death age.

About dataset:

The dataset consists of 3 columns, each column representing an attribute!

  • Age: This column represents the age of individuals in the dataset
  • Male: This column indicates the count of male individuals in the dataset corresponding to each age group.
  • Female: This column indicates the count of female individuals in the dataset corresponding to each age group.

Project Workflow:

For this project, we performed data analysis using python!

  1. Data Collection and Cleaning:

    • Handedness data from National Geographic Survey.
    • Death distribution data for United States.
    • Checking for null values or missing values in each column.
  2. Left-Handedness Analysis:

    • Developed functions to compute the probability of being left-handed given the age at death.
    • Created a function to determine the overall probability of being left-handed if an individual died in a specific year.
  3. Right-Handedness Analysis:

    • Formulated a function to calculate the overall probability of being right-handed if an individual died in a specific year.
    • Explored the complementary relationship between left-handedness and right-handedness probabilities.
  4. Age Probability Calculations:

    • Estimated the probability of being a particular age at death given left-handedness.
    • Applied the same methodology to calculate the probabilities for right-handed individuals.
  5. Visualizations:

    • Plotted the age-dependent probabilities of being left-handed and right-handed.
    • Visualized how these probabilities change across different ages at the time of death.
  6. Average Age Calculation:

    • Calculated the average age at death for left-handed and right-handed individuals.
    • Utilized the probabilities and ages to compute the weighted average ages for each group.
  7. Results and Insights

    • Printed and analyzed the average ages for left-handed and right-handed groups.
    • Emphasized the observed difference in average ages, providing meaningful insights into the potential impact of handedness on lifespan.
  8. Conclusion

    • Conducted the analysis by summarizing the key findings and insights.
    • Addressed study limitations and suggested avenues for future research, including exploring additional demographic factors.


The project yielded valuable insights into the average ages at death for left-handed and right-handed individuals, contributing to our understanding of potential associations between handedness and lifespan.