This repository contains JavaScript code of many commercial bot detectors/fingerprinting services and string deobfuscators for them if applicable.
List of included scripts ("deobfuscated" refers to string deobfuscation. This is useful for seeing what browser attributes they are looking for. I did not undo any sort of control flow obfuscation):
- AddThis
- Ad-Maven
- Integral Ad Sciences (AdSafeProtected)
- AdScore
- AFK-Media
- Akami (deobfuscated)
- AliExpress
- Amazon Ads
- Analytics-Engine
- AreYouAHuman
- ArkoseLabs (deobfuscated)
- Augur (deobfuscated)
- BehavioSec (from demo page, code is a mess and I have not analyzed it yet)
- BlueCava
- Bouncex (deobfuscated)
- Bquery
- CapitalOne
- CapitalOne Deviceprint
- Coinbase
- Cyberfend
- Datadome (deobfuscated)
- Distil Networks (deobfuscated)
- Doubleverify
- FingerprintJS Open Source
- FingerprintJS Commercial
- Forter (deobfuscated)
- Fraudmetrix (deobfuscated - partially)
- Giveaway Spam found in Google (deobfuscated)
- Javascript loaded on
- Google Botguard (no deobfuscation progress)
- Google PubAds
- Google IMA (ctrl-f for "callPhantom" to find where bot detection starts)
- Imprint.js
- Malvertising JavaScript found on a movie website
- Malvertising JavaScript that was being distributed with a CSS file
- Maxmind Device Fingerprinting
- Meinkauf (austrian company) fingerprinting script
- Moat
- MyFreeCams
- Unknown script found on Pastebin
- Paypal Fb.js
- Paypal Pa.js
- PerimeterX (deobfuscated)
- Pixelbundle.js
- PopAds.js
- Recaptcha.js (no deobfuscation progress)
- Fingerprinting script found on Roberts Space Industries game site
- link shortener
- SiftScience
- Simility
- Sixtufixer malvertising (deobfuscated)
- Target antibot (needs to be deobfuscated)
- ThreatMetrix (deobfuscated)
- TinyPass
- VCMedia
- Wells Fargo anti-fraud script
- WhiteOps
- Yandex Metrics