
A simple web server written in Go using net/http

Primary LanguageGo


Yet another HTTP web server written in Go (using net/http).


  • Supports gzip compression
  • Supports If-Modified-Since headers
  • Supports GET and HEAD requests
  • Blocks access to hidden files/directories
  • Directory listing (turned off by default)
  • Request logging
  • No dependencies on external libraries

Getting started

Build the binary and start it up:

go build -o httpd httpd.go

By default it serves content on port 8080 and from the current directory, although you can change this behaviour with the built-in flags (use ./httpd -help for details).

You can also build a static binary. As an example, on Linux/amd64, use:

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-w' -o httpd_amd64 httpd.go
