
CLI tool to to retrieve Cisco SD-WAN realtime data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python 3 MIT license

Cisco SD-WAN Query Tool

This tool allows to perform SQL-like queries on Cisco vManage controller, like this:

select src-ip,dst-ip,color,state from bfd_sessions where state = up

You can query vManage as it was a SQL database and get custom details/reports from a single or all managed devices which is not currently available via vManage GUI.

Simple examples :

python sdnetsql.py -q "select peer-addr,as from bgp_sessions where state=established" --user=user-a --customer=cust-a --html
python sdnetsql.py -q "select vdevice-host-name,ifname,ip-address,port-type,if-admin-status,if-oper-status from interfaces where vdevice-host-name=jc7003edge01 and af-type=ipv4" --user=user-a --customer=cust-a --html

Image description

You can easily define your own Data Source based on vManage API and start querying it.


It is recommended to build a Python 3 virtual environment. Details on how to set one up can be found here.

If you use a Windows PC, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install python 3
  2. Setup virtual environment
  3. Activate it
  4. Download source code
  5. Install requirements
  6. Start querying your network or use -h for help


python -m venv <path>
git clone https://github.com/supro200/cisco-sdwan-query-tool.git
cd cisco-sdwan-query-tool
pip install -r requirements.txt
python sdnetsql.py -h


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv
git clone https://github.com/supro200/cisco-sdwan-query-tool
cd cisco-sdwan-query-tool/
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 sdnetsql.py -h

How it works

The script connects to vManage API, converts the data received to CSV files, and then processes them as Pandas dataframes. The results are device-command specific CSV files, and optionally HTML report.

When processing data, the script uses/creates the following directories:

raw_data/customer/datasource - raw CSV files

reports/customer/datasource - processed CSV files and HTML reports

If --html-output option is selected, the .html files are places in reports/

Possible data sources to query and the corresponding API are defined in datasource.json and vManage controllers in customers.json

See below for more details.

How to use it

Use the following CLI parameters:


'-q', '--query' - SQL-formatted query, see examples below

'-c', '--customer' - Customer name

'-u', '--user' - Username to connect to vManage


--no-connect, -nc - Run without connecting to network devices, processes the command output already collected. This is useful after you run a query, already got output, and then need to query on different fields or conditions; or don't have access to network devices. Considerably improves query processing time, as it simply processes text files, but doesn't retrieve realtime information

--screen-output - Prints report to screen. CSV reports are always generated. Default is On.

--screen-lines - Number of lines printed to screen. Full output is always printed to CSV files. Default is 30.

--html-output, -html - Prints report to HTML. CSV reports are always generated. Default is off.

--report-dir, -dir - Directory for reports. If not specified, a new directory will be created in format YYYY-MM-DD. This can be used for comparing output of the same command, for example, before and after making network changes. Please see network-snapshot.txt as an example.

--password, -p - Password. If not given, you'll be asked to enter it when run the script. Note: if you access vManage via a jumphost, the same password will be used for both devices.

CLI Parameter: Customer

Required in --customer CLI option

Used to retrieve vmanage_ip and jump_host value for from customers.json file

The tool can use multiple vManage controller belonging to different customers which can be defined customers.json The customer record format is:

"customer": "customera",                      <<<<<<  customer name, used in CLI, mandatory item
"vmanage_ip": "",                <<<<<<  vManage IP to connect, mandatory item
"vmanage_fqdn": "vmanage.customera.com",      <<<<<<  vManage FQDN, currently not in use
"jump_host": "jumphost01.mgmt.local"          <<<<<<  Optional Jumphost if vManage is not reachable directly 

You can have a single vManage controller, in this case customers.json will contain a single record describing your vManage controller.

CLI Parameter: Username

Required in --user CLI option

Password should be entered manually each time the script runs.


The query should be in the following format:

select <fields> from <data_source> where <conditions>

data_source, fields and conditions are described below, following by examples.

Data Sources

Data Source is used in queries in from clause, for example:

select * from <datasource>

You can add a new Datasource to file datasources.json, and start querying it.

The Data source definition format:

    "data_source":  "bgp_sessions",                   <<<<<<  arbitrary datasource name      
    "api_mount": "device/bgp/neighbors?deviceId="     <<<<<<  actual vManage REST API endpoint

datasources.json defines the actual vManage API endpoins and currently only supports API requests containing ?deviceId= part. See the list of supported API endpoints at https://vManage-IP/apidocs/

Fields and Conditions

The simplest way to query a Data Source is to use * as Field and don't use any conditions, for example:

select * from <data_source> 

Using * you can find all the fields you can query or filter on.

In most cases, however, you may want to define conditions with where clause:

select <fields> from <data_source> where <conditions>

There can be a single condition, for example:

where deviceId =
where state = established

Or multiple conditions separated by keyword and:

where state = up and color = mpls

It is also possible to specify multiple values for a condition with keyword or

For example:

where state = up and color = mpls or lte
where index = 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 and deviceId =
where ifname=ge0/4 or ge0/3

You can query all vEdge devices, or only a set of them using deviceId , host-name or site-id leveraging where condition

Note host-name matches a substing, so the condition below will return data from devices containing 2070 or branch in hostnames:

host-name = 2070 or branch or syd

Query by site-id or deviceId:

where site-id = 220 or 183 or 228
deviceId =


To get started, use a simple query like this:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select * from bfd_sessions where state = up" -u usera -c customera --html

This query will return all active BFD sessions from all devices. There might be too many fields returned, so modify the query, include only interesting fields:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select src-ip,dst-ip,color,state from bfd_sessions" -u usera -c customera --html

Next, add a condition where state = up which returns only active BFD sessions:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select src-ip,dst-ip,color,state from bfd_sessions where state = up" -u usera -c customera --html

Add an additional condition to the previous example and deviceId = and retrieve active BFD sessions from a particular device:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select src-ip,dst-ip,color,state from bfd_sessions where state = up and deviceId =" -u usera -c customera --html

The same query, but query devices by a part of hostname:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select src-ip,dst-ip,color,state from bfd_sessions where state = up and host-name = 2070 or 4011" -u usera -c customera --html

Similarly, query any other sources you define in datasources.json file.

Get OMP sessions state:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select * from omp_peers" -u usera -c customera --html

Interface State:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select deviceId,vdevice-host-name,ifname,ip-address,port-type,if-admin-status,if-oper-status from interfaces " -u usera -c customera --html

The previous query return IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces, get IPv4 interfaces only:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select deviceId,vdevice-host-name,ifname,ip-address,port-type,if-admin-status,if-oper-status from interfaces " -u usera -c customera --html

Query only specific device:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select vdevice-host-name,ifname,ip-address,port-type,if-admin-status,if-oper-status from interfaces where vdevice-host-name=jc7003edge01 and af-type=ipv4" -u usera -c customera --html

Query only IPSec interfaces status:

python sdnetsql.py -q "select vdevice-host-name,ifname,ip-address,port-type,if-admin-status,if-oper-status from interfaces where ifname=ipsec and af-type=ipv4" -u usera -c customera --html

Query latest IP SLA data (interval 0) - if you have hub-and-spoke topology, query the hub device to get all spoke SLA data

python sdnetsql.py -q "select vdevice-name,remote-system-ip,local-color,remote-color,mean-latency,loss,mean-loss,mean-jitter,average-jitter,vdevice-name,local-color,remote-color,mean-latency,loss,mean-loss,mean-jitter,average-jittervdevice-name,remote-system-ip,local-color,remote-color,mean-latency,loss,mean-loss,mean-jitter,average-jitter from sla_stat where index = 0 and deviceId = " -u usera -c customera --html

Query three latest IP SLA data (intervals 0 or 1 or 2)

python sdnetsql.py -q "select vdevice-name,remote-system-ip,local-color,remote-color,mean-latency,loss,mean-loss,mean-jitter,average-jitter,vdevice-name,local-color,remote-color,mean-latency,loss,mean-loss,mean-jitter,average-jittervdevice-name,remote-system-ip,local-color,remote-color,mean-latency,loss,mean-loss,mean-jitter,average-jitter from sla_stat where index = 0 or 1 or 2 and deviceId = " -u usera -c customera --html

Cell interfaces statistic (note Viptela and Cisco devices return different fields)


python sdnetsql.py -q "select vdevice-host-name,deviceId,if-name,mode,band,rssi,rsrp,rsrp-comment,rsrq,rsrq-comment,snr,snr-comment from cell_radio" -u usera -c customera --html


python sdnetsql.py -q "select vdevice-host-name,cellular-interface,technology,radio-rsrq,radio-rsrp,radio-rssi from cell_radio where cellular-interface=Cellular0/2/0 or Cellular0/2/1" -u usera -c customera --html

Note: Certificate warnings are disabled for using with sandbox, comment the line in main() for using in production requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()

Any feedback, contributions, and requests are much appreciated, please send them to supro200@gmail.com