
SuprSend SDK for integrating inbox functionality in React applications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Integrating SuprSend Inbox channel in React websites can be done in two ways:

  • SuprSendInbox component which comes with UI and customizing props.
  • SuprSendProvider headless component and hooks, incase you want to totally take control of UI. (example: Full page notifications).

Detailed documentation can be found here: https://docs.suprsend.com/docs/inbox-react


You can install SuprSend inbox SDK using npm/yarn

npm install @suprsend/react-inbox

SuprSendInbox Integration

After installing, Import the component in your code and use it as given below. Replace the variables with actual values.

import SuprSendInbox from '@suprsend/react-inbox'
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css' // needed for toast notifications, can be ignored if hideToast=true

// add to your react component;
interface ISuprSendInbox {
  workspaceKey: string
  distinctId: string | null
  subscriberId: string | null
  tenantId?: string
  stores?: IStore[]
  pageSize?: number
  pagination?: boolean

Field Type Description
workspaceKey string (Mandatory) You can find it in SuprSend Dashboard inside Settings -> API Keys.
distinctId any (Mandatory) Unique identifier for the user.
subscriberId string (Mandatory) This is unique string for every distinctId used for authentication to inbox service. You check generation docs.
tenantId string (Optional) If you use multi-tenant architecture you can get inbox notifications for that specific tenant/brand only.
stores IStore[] (Optional) Pass stores array if you ant to use multi-tab feature.
pageSize number (Optional) Notifications to get in one api call. Used for pagination to get older notifications. Maximum allowed is 50. Defaults to 20.
pagination boolean (Optional) By default infinite scroll will be enabled to get older notifications on scroll. It can be disabled by passing false.

Apart from props provided above, SuprSendInbox also takes other props for customization.
interface ISuprSendInbox {
  themeType?: 'light' | 'dark'
  hideInbox?: boolean
  hideToast?: boolean
  hideAvatar?: boolean
  noNotificationsComponent?: () => JSX.Element
  notificationComponent?: ({notificationData}: {notificationData: any}) => JSX.Element
  bellComponent?: () => JSX.Element
  badgeComponent?: ({ count }: { count: number | null }) => JSX.Element
  loaderComponent?: () => JSX.Element
  tabBadgeComponent?: ({ count }: { count: number }) => JSX.Element
  notificationClickHandler?: (notificationData: any) => void
  toastProps?: IToastProps
  theme?: Dictionary
  popperPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'
  showUnreadCountOnTabs?: boolean
// Example theme object

const darkColors = {
  primary: '#2E70E8',
  primaryText: '#EFEFEF',
  secondaryText: '#CBD5E1',
  border: '#3A4A61',
  main: '#1D2635',
  error: '#F97066'

const sampleDarkTheme = {
  bell: { color: '#fff' },
  badge: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
  header: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderBottom: `0.5px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
      boxShadow: '0 0 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    markAllReadText: { color: darkColors.primary }
  tabs: {
    color: darkColors.primaryText,
    unselectedColor: darkColors.secondaryText + 'D9',
    bottomColor: darkColors.primary,
    badgeColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
    badgeText: darkColors.primaryText
  notificationsContainer: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    noNotificationsText: {
      color: darkColors.primaryText
    noNotificationsSubtext: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText
    loader: { color: darkColors.primary }
  notification: {
    container: {
      borderBottom: `1px solid ${darkColors.border}`,
      readBackgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      unreadBackgroundColor: '#273244',
      hoverBackgroundColor: '#2D3A4D'
    pinnedText: {
      color: darkColors?.secondaryText
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    bodyText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      blockquoteColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)'
    unseenDot: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary },
    createdOnText: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
    subtext: { color: '#94a3b8' },
    actions: [
      { container: { backgroundColor: darkColors.primary } },
        container: {
          borderColor: darkColors.border,
          backgroundColor: 'transparent',
          hoverBackgroundColor: darkColors.main
        text: { color: darkColors.secondaryText }
    expiresText: {
      backgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)',
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      expiringBackgroundColor: 'rgba(217, 45, 32, 0.15)',
      expiringColor: darkColors.error
    actionsMenuIcon: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.5)'
    actionsMenu: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    actionsMenuItem: { hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 116, 139, 0.2)' },
    actionsMenuItemIcon: { color: darkColors.secondaryText },
    actionsMenuItemText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText
  toast: {
    container: {
      backgroundColor: darkColors.main,
      borderColor: darkColors.border
    headerText: { color: darkColors.primaryText },
    bodyText: {
      color: darkColors.secondaryText,
      blockquoteColor: darkColors.border

SuprSendProvider Integration (headless)

SuprSendProvider Component

Enclose your notifications component in SuprSendProvider. SuprSend hooks can only be used in children of SuprSendProvider component.

import { SuprSendProvider } from '@suprsend/react-inbox'

  <YourCode />
Props Type Description
workspaceKey string (Mandatory) You can find it in SuprSend Dashboard inside Settings -> API Keys.
distinctId string (Mandatory) Unique identifier for the user.
subscriberId string (Mandatory) This is unique string for every distinctId used for authentication to inbox service. You check generation docs.
tenantId string (Optional) If you use multi-tenant architecture you can get inbox notifications for that specific tenant/brand only.
pageSize number (Optional) Notifications to get in one api call. Used for pagination to get older notifications. Maximum allowed is 50. Defaults to 20.
stores IStore[] (Optional) Pass stores array if you ant to use multi-tab feature.
interface IStore {
  storeId: string
  label: string
  query?: {
    tags?: string | string[]
    categories?: string | string[]
    read?: boolean

🚧 SuprSend uses socket.io to get realtime updates in inbox channel.

Make sure that you have only one active SuprSend's socket connection at a time (inspect -> network -> ws tab) to avoid unexpected issues.

useUnseenCount hook

This hook provides unSeenCount, markAllSeen which you can show on Bell icon.

import { useUnseenCount } from '@suprsend/react-inbox'

const { unSeenCount, markAllSeen } = useUnseenCount()
Returns Type Description
unSeenCount number Use this variable to show the unseen notification count anywhere in your application.
markAllSeen method Used to mark seen for all notifications. Call this method on clicking the bell icon so that it will reset the unSeenCount to 0.

useNotifications hook

This hook is used to get notifications related data and methods

import { useNotifications } from '@suprsend/react-inbox'

const {
} = useNotifications(storeId)
Parameter Type Description
storeId string (Optional) Optional parameter which return data of that specific store if you are using multi-tab feature. You can ignore this if you are not using multi-tab feature.
Returns Type Description
notifications IRemoteNotification[] Contains information related to notifications. This array can be looped to display notifications.
markClicked (id: string) => void used to mark notification as clicked.
markRead (id: string) => void used to mark notification as read.
markUnRead (id: string) => void used to mark notification as unread.
markAllRead ( ) => void Method used to mark all notifications as read.
initialLoading boolean used for showing initial loader while fetching notifications first time
hasNext boolean check if older notifications are present and then call fetchPrevious method if its true to get older notifications.
fetchPrevious ( ) => void used to get older notifications if you implement pagination, by checking hasNext flag
fetchMoreLoading boolean used to show loader while getting fetch older notifications.
interface IRemoteNotification {
  n_id: string
  n_category: string
  created_on: number
  seen_on?: number
  interacted_on?: number
  tags?: string[]
  is_pinned?: boolean
  can_user_unpin?: boolean
  is_expiry_visible?: boolean
  expiry?: number
  message: IRemoteNotificationMessage

interface IRemoteNotificationMessage {
  header?: string
  schema: string
  text: string
  url?: string
  open_in_new_tab?: boolean
  extra_data?: string
  actions?: { url: string, name: string, open_in_new_tab?: boolean}[]
  avatar?: { avatar_url: string; action_url?: string }
  subtext?: { text: string; action_url?: string }

useStoreUnseenCount hook

This hook can be used to get unread notifications count of a specific store, Use it only if you are using multi-tab.

import { useStoreUnseenCount } from '@suprsend/react-inbox'

const { unSeenCount } = useUnseenCount()

useStoresUnseenCount hook

This hook can be used to get unread notifications count of all stores, Use it only if you are using multi-tab.

import { useStoresUnseenCount } from "@suprsend/react-inbox";

const { [storeId: string]: number } = useUnseenCount();

useEvent hook

This hook is an event emitter, takes arguments event type and callback function(called when event occurs). Must be called anywhere inside SuprSendProvider.

import { useEvent } from "@suprsend/react-inbox";

useEvent(event_name: string, (notification: IRemoteNotification)=> void)

Handled Event Names:

  1. new_notification: Called when the new notification occurs, can be used to show toast notification in your application.
import { useEvent } from '@suprsend/react-inbox'

function Home() {
  useEvent('new_notification', (notificationData) => {
    alert('You have new notifications')

  return <p>Home</p>


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