
Prometheus compatible exporter to query DNSBLs/RBLs.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


pr Maintainability Go Report Card GitHub release (latest SemVer including pre-releases)

This is a server which checks the configured hosts against various DNSBL (sometimes refered to as RBLs).

The idea is to scrape /metrics using Prometheus to create graphs, alerts, and so on.

This is an early release. We accept all kinds of feedback - bug reports, PRs, code, docs, ... :)



See rbls.ini and targets.ini files in this repository. The files follow the nagios format as this exporter is meant to be a drop-in replacement so you can factor out Nagios, one (simple) step at a time. :-)


$ dnsbl-exporter -h
--config.dns-resolver value  IP address of the resolver to use. (default: "")
--config.rbls value          Configuration file which contains RBLs (default: "./rbls.ini")
--config.targets value       Configuration file which contains the targets to check. (default: "./targets.ini")
--web.listen-address value   Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default: ":9211")
--web.telemetry-path value   Path under which to expose metrics. (default: "/metrics")
--log.debug                  Enable more output in the logs, otherwise INFO.
--log.output value           Destination of our logs: stdout, stderr (default: "stdout")
--help, -h                   show help
--version, -V                Print the version information.


  1. Go to release and grab a release for your platform.
  2. Get rbls.ini and put it next to the binary.
  3. Get targets.ini, and customize. Or use the defaults.
  4. ./dnsbl-exporter

Go to in your browser.


Docker/OCI images are available in the container registry:

$ docker pull ghcr.io/luzilla/dnsbl_exporter:vX.Y.Z

Please note: latest is not provided.

The images expect target.ini and rbls.ini in the following location:


Either start the container and supply the contents, or build your own image:

docker run \
    --rm \
    -e DNSBL_EXP_RESOLVER=your.resolver:53 \
    -p 9211:9211 \
    -v ./conf:/etc/dnsbl-exporter \
FROM ghcr.io/luzilla/dnsbl_exporter:vA.B.C

ADD my-target.ini /etc/dnsbl-exporter/target.ini
ADD my-rbls.ini /etc/dnsbl-exporter/rbls.ini


The individual configured servers and their status are represented by a gauge:

luzilla_rbls_ips_blacklisted{hostname="mail.gmx.net",ip="",rbl="ix.dnsbl.manitu.net"} 0

This represent the server's hostname and the DNSBL in question. 0 for unlisted and 1 for listed. Requests to the DNSBL happen in real-time and are not cached. Take this into account and use accordingly.


In order to use this, a proper DNS resolver is needed. Proper means: not Google, not Cloudflare, OpenDNS, etc.. Instead use a resolver like Unbound.

To test on OSX, follow these steps:

$ brew install unbound
$ sudo unbound -d -vvvv

(And leave the Terminal open — there will be ample queries and data for you to see and learn from.)

Verify Unbound is working and resolution is working:

 $ dig +short @ spamhaus.org

License / Author

This code is Apache 2.0 licensed.

For questions, comments or anything else, please get in touch.


(This is for myself, since I tend to forget things.)

  1. git tag -a x.y.z
  2. git push --tags
  3. GitHub Actions/GoReleaser will build a pretty release