
Max Base: A repository in GitHub for testing to display a box at main page of Profile.

Hi there 👋

My nickname is Max. I'm a full stack developer and IT Professional with over 10 years of experience. I have professional experience with Python, PHP, JavaScript, C++, C, QML, and many more. I have mastered many areas of programming, such as web development and server-side programming.

Max Base

I am looking for friends who have experience as front-end engineers or UI/UX to work on a great project related to the open source community. Please email me if you are interested. An open-source platform with cloud features: Mix git + repository + hosting (github.com and heroku.com, ...)

I not hired so I don't have income, But I still help the open source community most of the time. If you pay me a monthly donates or even once, I will be happy and I can continue to be stronger. Thanks anyway.

🔭 I'm currently working at GitHub.

👯 I'm looking for funds to finish my compiler project. Please contact me if you are interested. (One Programming Language: Simple, fast, safe, compiled, empowering everyone to build efficient and reliable software)

âš¡ Fun fact: My life is spent developing software, and most of my programs are here on GitHub!

📫 Sending Email for cooperation purposes: MaxBaseCode [@] Gmail {.DOT.} com

💬 Ask me about anything related to programming by creating a new issue at this repo.

Welcome to my profile! You can follow me if my works are of interest.

GitHub Status

If you want to write about me, you can change this text, this is your chance. I thank you.